“Striving for Perfection, Preserving the Invaluable”
Our scope of operations:
Water treatment technology
Closed systems (ZLD)
Wastewater treatment
Our goal:
Development and implementation of most cost-effective and efficient solutions
Ion Exchange Technologies
AO Ion Exchange Technologies specializes in developing comprehensive solutions for water treatment of any quality for industrial and municipal consumption, as well as purification of wastewater of any complexity.
duration of successful operation
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LLC Amur-GCC current project tasks
The minimum start-up complex has been launched by the efforts of JSC Ion-Exchange Technologies, and the development of a project for production work on priority systems is also actively underway:…
JSC Atomstroyexport, supply of equipment to El-Dabaa NPP
As part of the implementation of the contract with JSC Atomstroyexport for the supply of equipment for the construction of power unit No. 1 of the El Dabaa NPP in…
Water purification at the water treatment plant of AGCC LLC
During the commissioning work at the water treatment plant of AGCC LLC, our company’s specialists obtained purified streams: clarified water and ultrafiltrate that met the requirements of contractual obligations. The…
Supply of containers for sulfuric acid
Large-sized equipment for storing sulfuric acid with a volume of 100 m3 each was shipped to our strategic Customer. First batch of 3 units. The equipment is part of a…
Unity Day
Happy holiday, dear friends! We sincerely congratulate you on National Unity Day! This day reminds us of the importance of unity and mutual assistance. May the spirit of unity always…
Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers
The team of Ion Exchange Technologies JSC congratulates all workers in the oil and gas industry!
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OAO “SPbAtomEnergoProject”
Development of working documentation for a water treatment unit to supply splash pools, firewater tanks, and the first and second circuits of the NPP-2006 at the LNPP-2 site.
ОАО «СПбАтомэнергопроект»
Разработка рабочей документации водоподготовительной установки для подпитки брызгальных бассейнов, баков противопожарного запаса воды, первого и второго контуров АЭС-2006 на площадке ЛАЭС-2
OAO “AGC Borsky Glass Plant”
Project work and development of technical documentation for connecting technological equipment to existing treatment facilities.
OAO “AGC Borsky Glass Plant”
Turnkey supply of equipment for a flotation wastewater treatment unit. Capacity – 250 m3/hour.
OOO “Druzhba-Monolit”
Turnkey development of project documentation and supply of technological equipment for a deironing plant. Capacity – 3,000 m3/day.
OAO “Ural Tube Plant Uraltrubprom”
A turnkey system for preparation, purification, and disposal of cutting fluids (CO2).
OAO “Vyksunsky Metallurgical Plant”
Turnkey construction of a complex for treating and processing emulsion effluents for TESC-3. Capacity: 1 – 320 m3/hour 2 – 180 m3/hour
OAO “Vyksunsky Metallurgical Plant”
Turnkey construction of wastewater treatment facilities at water outlet No. 5. Capacity – 14,400 m3/day.
MU “Zakazchik” of the Pioneer City District
Development of design and estimate documentation for the facility: “Construction of a pumping station for the second rise of water supply with a deferrization station” Capacity – 5,000 m3/day.
Branch of OAO “RusHydro” – “Kamskaya Hydroelectric Power Station”
Turnkey replacement of deep and drainage pump units, pipeline shut-off fittings in the dewatering pump systems of the flow part of the hydro units.
OAO “Cherepovets Azot”
Development of working and project documentation for the “Modernization of the water softening and partially desalinated water unit in Building 308 of Ammonia Production Workshop No. 1.” Capacity – 345...
OAO “Novomoskovsk Joint Stock Company “Azot”
Development of technical documentation and commissioning of the UPCORE technology for counterflow regeneration in the water demineralization unit of the Ammonia-4 workshop. Capacity – 200 m3/hour.
OAO “Novomoskovsk Joint Stock Company “Azot”
Turnkey technical re-equipment of the third line of the water demineralization unit in the Ammonia-4 workshop, with a capacity of 200 m3/hour.
OAO “Moscow Coke Gas Plant”
Development of project cost estimation documentation for industrial wastewater treatment facilities at water outlet No. 1. Capacity – 17 m3/day.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Production Association Plant Named After Sergo”
Supply of chemical water purification installation
Municipal Institution “City Construction Client”
Project work for adjustments to the working project “Reconstruction of water treatment facilities in Veliky Ustyug, Vologda Region.” Capacity – 350 m3/hour.
OAO Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company “Atomenergoproject” (OAO “NIAEP”)
Supply of furniture, laboratory equipment, and VHL instruments for the first and second circuits of the construction of the 2nd power unit of the Rostov NPP.
Municipal Enterprise “Client” of Pioneer Urban District
Development of project cost estimation documentation for the project: “Construction of the second lift pumping station for water supply with deironing plant.” Capacity – 5,000 m3/day.
OAO “Zavolzhsky Motor Plant”
Project work for the “Complex of facilities for further treatment of wastewater from the Zavolzhye city biological water treatment plant to meet the TLV requirements of the fishery water body.
OAO “Nizhnekamskshina”
Development of project documentation for the “Water preparation station with a capacity of 250 m3/hour.”
OAO “SamaraNeftekhimProject”
Hydrocracking complex at OAO “ANPZ VNK” for the project “Reconstruction of chemical water treatment Tit. 1296 (chemical water preparation section) with increased capacity. Construction of the desalination chemical water purification...
OAO “Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant”
Project work for the “Closed water use system of the enterprise with the construction of treatment facilities for industrial, storm, and acidic effluents.” Capacity – 700 m3/hour
OAO “SamaraNeftekhimProject”
Hydrocracking complex at OAO “ANPZ VNK” for the project “Hydrocracking complex UI&O with a technical water supply pump station at the plant with a river water treatment unit.” Capacity –...
Branch of OAO “RusHydro” – “Novosibirsk Hydroelectric Power Station”
Turnkey construction of surface runoff treatment facilities for the first phase.
OOO “Ural Water Channel Project Management Company”
Construction of drinking water supply in Zarichny from the Ust-Kamyshensky underground water intake. Drinking water preparation station with a capacity of 5,600 m3/day. Project documentation. Technological section.
OOO “Kursk Technoconstruction”
Supply of equipment for the water deironing plant at the Kyiv water intake site. Capacity – 90,000 m3/day
OAO “Cherepovets “Azot”
Turnkey comprehensive equipment for the “Pre-treatment unit for industrial and river wastewater in Building 345/1 of Ammonia Production Workshop No. 2. Capacity – 410,511 m3/hour
Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Water Supply and Sewerage System” of the Municipal Formation “Roslavlsky District”
Design of a drinking water preparation station at the “Dubinin Lug” water supply system with a capacity of 22,000 m3/day in Roslavlsk, Smolensk Region.
OOO “RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz”
A turnkey complex of technological equipment for equipping wastewater treatment facilities at the “Central Okha” and “Katangli” fields. Capacity – 2,000 m3/hour Capacity of each system – 300 m3/hour
Municipal Enterprise of the city of Pskov “City Water Company”
Reconstruction of water supply and wastewater networks and facilities in the city of Pskov. Capacity – 78,000 m3/day.
OAO “Concern Rosenergoatom” – “Balakovskaya Nuclear Power Station”
Turnkey complex of technological equipment for wastewater treatment. Capacity – 50 m3/hour
ZAO “Construction Management No. 1”
Stormwater sewage treatment facilities for the project: “Reconstruction (restoration) of the runway pavements of Murmansk airport in Murmansk Region.” Capacity: 40m3/h – TF No. 1, 50m3/h – TF No. 2.
OAO “Cherepovets “Azot”
Supply of pipeline fittings.
OAO “Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant”
Development of a potential method for water preparation and options for its implementation when discharging water into the Oskolets River, 4 shafts of the Drainage Shaft. OAO “Lebedinsky GOK”
OAO “SamaraNeftekhimProject”
Development of project documentation for the “Hydrocracking Complex. Water Preparation Unit. Steam Condensate Purification Section” for OAO “Novokuibyshevsk Oil Refinery.” Capacity – 1,150 m3/hour
OOO “Balakovskie Mineral Fertilizers”
Development of project documentation for the technical upgrade of the air supply system for compressed air through decentralization in production and consumption systems
OAO “Krasctvetmet”
Turnkey reverse osmosis system with a water treatment unit. Capacity: Reverse osmosis system – 10 m3/hour; Water treatment unit – 5 m3/hour.
Development of project cost estimation documentation for the “Construction of wastewater treatment facilities at the rail production site.”
ZAO “Izhorsky Pipe Plant”
Turnkey supply of a cutting fluid disposal complex. Capacity – 4.7 m3/hour
ZAO “RegionSnab”
Turnkey complex of works for the construction of a demineralized water preparation unit for OOO “Novokuibyshevsk Oil and Additives Plant.” Capacity – 43 m3/hour
Development of project-technical documentation for water treatment facilities at the Combined Onshore Processing Facility (COPF).
OAO “SamaraNeftekhimProject”
Development of project documentation for the “Hydrocracking Complex Installation. Local Recycling Water Units” for OAO “Novokuibyshevsk Oil Refinery.” Capacity – 750 m3/hour
OAO “Achinsk Oil Refinery of Vostokneftezavod Company” (OAO ANPZ VNK)
Lightened water filtration unit.
OAO “All-Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operation” (OAO “VNIIAES”)
Development of project and working documentation for the reconstruction of the Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant CWT. Capacity – 100 m3/hour.
OOO “Balakovskie Mineral Fertilizers”
Technical re-equipment of the compressed air supply system at the production facility through the decentralization of the production and consumption systems Compressor performance: For Industrial Filtration Unit (IFU), CMS-2, CNOSVIV...
OAO “EVRAZ Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant”
Survey of the water supply system, domestic and industrial wastewater systems of OAO “EVRAZ NTMK” for closed water supply system design
OAO “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operation” (OAO “VNIIAES”)
Development of project and working documentation for the reconstruction of the CWT at Kursk Nuclear Power Plant
OOO “Tatneft-Neftikhimsnab”
Supply of a water treatment station with a capacity of 250 m3/hour
OOO “Scientific-Production Association “Saint-Petersburg Electrical Engineering Company”
Design, manufacturing, supply, construction and installation, commissioning, and personnel training for “Water Treatment Facilities” at the construction of the “Diamond Mining Complex on the Lomonosov Diamond Deposit. Start-up Complex with...
Branch of OAO “TGK-16” – Nizhnekamsk Thermal Power Plant (PTK-1)
Technical re-equipment of the chemical desalination unit with increased productivity to 1,600 tons/hour for desalinated water
OAO “Concern Rosenergoatom” – “Balakovskaya Nuclear Power Plant”
Manufacturing and supply of desalination unit for spray basin feedwater. Capacity – 35 m3/hour.
Committee of Urban Planning of the Administration of Narofominsky Municipal District
Construction of a water deironing plant with a capacity of 18,000 m3/day at water supply system No. 10 in Narofominsk, Moscow Region.
OAO “Concern Rosenergoatom” – “Balakovskaya Nuclear Power Plant”
Supply, installation, and commissioning of a wastewater treatment unit. Capacity – 300 m3/day.
OAO “Middle Ural Copper Smelting Plant”
Supply of equipment for the mechanical wastewater treatment installation
Municipal State-Funded Institution of the city district “City of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk” Capital Construction Management”
Correction of the project: “Reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities OSK-7 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk”
OAO “Eastern European Main Scientific Research and Design Institute of Energy Technologies” (OAO “Main Institute “VNIIET”)
Development and introduction of changes in the working and estimate documentation for the objects of the 1st stage of the construction of LNPP-2 Capacity – 400 m3/h.
OOO Sakhalin Company “EnergoStroy”
Complex technological equipment for the reconstruction and construction of communal infrastructure facilities (Reconstruction of Wastewater Treatment Plant OSK-7 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) Capacity – 90,000 m3/day.
OAO “PhosAgro – Cherepovets”
Pre-project work research for performing a long-term water balance calculation for the Nitrogen Complex of OAO “PhosAgro – Cherepovets”
OOO “Novokuibyshevsk Plant of Oils and Additives”
Reagent dosing units maintaining the required quality of boiler water in the hydrogen production unit of the hydroprocessing complex and the electro-deionization unit of OOO “Novokuibyshevsk Plant of Oils and...
OAO “Novokuibyshevsk Refinery” (OAO “NK NPZ”)
Installation of preliminary purification for the recirculation systems 1a and 2a. Capacity – 10 m3/h.
OOO “Industrial Group “Phosphorite”
Conducting pilot tests for wastewater treatment, obtaining initial data for the development of a project for the reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities of OOO “IG “Phosphorite” Capacity – 5 m3/h.
OAO “EVRAZ United Western Siberian Metallurgical Plant”
Development of Technical and Economic Justification for the design of water decontamination units for the GSZHU system, construction site of OAO “EVRAZ ZSMK”. Capacity – 1,150 m3/h.
OAO “Concern Rosenergoatom” – “Balakovskaya Nuclear Power Plant”
“Under load” commissioning works for the event “Ensuring the chemistry conditions of the spray pools (A-group technical water). Installation of desalination for feeding water to the spray pools. Capacity –...
OAO “TGK-16”
Condensate purification equipment. Technical upgrade of the reception scheme and the installation of condensate desalination for CWT-1 (1 starting complex). Capacity – 600 m3/h.
ZAO “BalakovoVolgoEnergoMontazh”
Supply of pipeline fittings.
OAO “Tulagorvodokanal”
Supply, installation and commissioning of a comprehensive biogas incineration unit for the project “Design and construction, expansion of city sewage treatment plants to a capacity of 320,000 m3/day.”
OAO “Tatneft” named after V.D. Shashin
Design, construction and installation, commissioning works and personnel training with supply of materials and equipment for three facilities for preparation of associated-produced water with highly viscous oil Capacity – 1,900...
OAO “PhosAgro-Cherepovets”
Inspection of wastewater at OAO “PhosAgro-Cherepovets” Nitrogen Complex within the project “Construction of a 2200-ton a day ammonia production plant” Capacity – 30,000 m3/day.
OAO “Tulagorvodokanal”
Design and construction, expansion of city sewage treatment plants to a capacity of 320,000 m3/day (development of project and working documentation).
OAO “Kuibyshev Oil Refinery” (OAO “KNPZ”)
Deminerallized water preparation unit. Capacity – 93 m3/h.
OAO “PhosAgro – Cherepovets”
Technical upgrade of water supply systems in buildings 345/1 and 345/2 to ensure the expansion of production of OAO “PhosAgro-Cherepovets” Nitrogen Complex and transition to river water of different quality...
OAO Khibinskaya Teplovaya Kompaniya
Supply of “turnkey” equipment for disinfection of network water for the heating system of Kirovsk city. System volume – 18,000 m3
OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets
Development of working documentation and execution of technical re-equipment works for the sludge dewatering unit with pumping stations in building 836 of the water treatment department of the AM-2 shop....
OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets
Development of working documentation and implementation of a project for technical re-equipment of the wastewater neutralization unit for the water treatment department of the AM-2 shop. Capacity – 100 m3/hour
OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets
Replacement of membrane elements in reverse osmosis units of the chemical water treatment section of OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets TPP
OAO Tatneft
Construction and installation work for a preparation unit for associated petroleum gas water with highly viscous oil. Capacity – 1,900 m3/hour: Capacity of 3 systems: 720 m3/hour, 350 m3/hour, 850...
OOO LUKOIL-Energoengineering
Implementation of an electro-deionization unit at the WTP PGU-110. Capacity – 110 m3/hour
OAO NGK Slavneft
8” Aquaflex membrane module (catalyst)
OAO Yaroslavl Vodokanal
Supply of mechanical coarse rake screens in stainless steel execution
OAO Concern Rosenergoatom – Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant
Commissioning works “under load” of the biological treatment plant equipment. Capacity – 300 m3/day
Design work: “Reconstruction of industrial wastewater treatment system”. Capacity – 470 m3/hour
OAO Concern Rosenergoatom – Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant
Supply of filtering elements
OOO Tomskneftekhim
Development of project cost documentation (stage “project documentation”) of the project “Construction of local wastewater treatment facilities of OOO Tomskneftekhim”. Capacity – 75 m3/hour
MUP Vodokanal of Votkinsk city
Supply of aerators
OOO Chemoproject I-PI-C
Design, procurement and construction of a water treatment and sewage treatment plant (IOT) on a “turnkey” basis. Capacity – 180 m3/hour
AO Apatit
Technical re-equipment of the MKS-1 with the installation of compressor ZN630±7 with ND2000W dryer, STe830-40 cooling towers, WPS116 water stations (2 pcs) in the section of the steam and gas...
OOO West Siberian Oil Chemical Refinery
Supply of equipment for river water treatment unit on a turnkey basis. Capacity – 250 m3/hour
MUP Gorvodokanal
Supply of equipment for “Sludge thickening line”. Capacity – 500 m3/day
MUP Gorvodokanal
Supply of equipment for “Mechanical dewatering line of thickened sludge”. Capacity – 10 m3/hour.
OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets
Replacement of membrane elements in reverse osmosis units of the chemical water treatment section of OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets TPP
OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets
Technical re-equipment of the wastewater neutralization unit in building No. 123, KTP-53, water treatment department of the AM-2 section
PAO Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical Company
Development of technology for additional treatment of mine water at the “Izvestnyakov” mine of the Kayerkan mine.
AO Apatit
Technical re-equipment of the air supply unit according to the TPU (PEFK) with the installation of a screw compressor GA110FF-8.5 (development of project cost documentation, supply, construction and installation works).
AO Apatit
Repair of the water treatment plants CWT-1 and CWT-2.
PAO Tatneft
Supply of chemical products.
AO Segezhsky CBK
Development of pre-project documentation for the project “Modernization of CWT Unit of TPP-1”.
AO Segezhsky CBK
Conducting pilot tests to determine the technology for preparing chemically purified water for energy boilers as part of the project “Modernization of CWT Unit of TPP-1”
OOO Tomskneftekhim
Development of working documentation for the construction of local treatment facilities for OOO “Tomskneftekhim”, author’s supervision over the construction. Capacity – 75 m3/hour
Supply of equipment for the preparation of chemically desalted water with a capacity of 400 m3/hour on a “turnkey” basis
OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets
Pre-project survey and development of basic technical solutions with the issuance of a technical report on the object “Reconstruction of the water supply and drainage scheme of the Phosphorus complex...
OOO RVC-Consulting
Preparation of the technical part of the proposal for concluding a concession agreement regarding the centralized cold water supply and sewage systems located in the city of Arkhangelsk, owned by...
AO Apatit
Design and construction of a new water circulation system in the SKP (SK-17) BF of AO Apatit. Capacity – 6,000 m3/hour.
Basic equipment design for the supply of chemically desalted water with a capacity of 400 m3/hour.
PAO Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant
Research work on the topic: “Development of technology for post-treatment of domestic and surface runoff wastewater with subsequent use in the water supply system of the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant. Stage...
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education National Research University MEI
Experimental and design work on the topic: “Development of reagent-free water treatment technology for the needs of the hot water supply system of the Primorskaya State District Power Plant”.
OOO Peuru Rus
Development of technical documentation as part of the FEEL2 investment application for the object: “Construction of a cardboard production facility in Ust-Ilimsk” at the Branch of AO Ilim Group in...
OOO Gazpromneft – Catalytic Systems
Supply of a local wastewater treatment plant U-601 (design, supply, construction, installation, and commissioning). Capacity – 178.20 m3/hour.
OOO Novokuibyshevsk Oil and Additives Plant
Supply of reagents and membrane units for UPV and RHC.
AO National Logistics Technologies
Construction of the object “Logistics Post Center in Khabarovsk” on a turnkey basis
PAO Tatneft
Implementation of construction and installation work at the UPPDV-350 “Abdulovo” object according to production technology (TX) and automation of production technology (ATX) sections based on the block No. 1 sample...
OAO Research and Design Institute of Carbamide and Organic Synthesis Products
Development of project documentation for the construction of the facility “Water Demineralization and Condensate Treatment Unit with a Capacity of 500,000 Tons/year for PAO NIZHNEKAMSKNEFTEKHIM, Nizhnekamsk
OOO RN-Drilling
Supply of a plant for deep biochemical purification of domestic and industrial wastewater.
OOO Novokuibyshevsk Oil and Additives Plant
Supply of reagents and membrane units for UPV and RHC.
PAO Gai Gorno-Obogatitelny Combine
Construction of the first iteration of the object “Reverse Water Treatment Station” consisting of a block of treatment facilities, an above-ground pipe gallery, an underground pipe tunnel passageway, and a...
OOO MT Russia
Supply of a water treatment plant (WTP) MR FY 178 Lot No. 1 – Installation for the production of demineralized water; Lot No. 2 – Installation for concentrate squeezing; Lot...
OOO Tomskneftekhim
Supervision of construction and installation work, construction, technical re-equipment, and reconstruction on the object(s)
AO Atomstroyexport (AO ASE)
Supply of equipment for the construction of Block No. 1 of the Ruppur Nuclear Power Plant. Capacity – 750 m3/h
Water demineralization unit. Capacity of the desalination unit – 42 m3/h. Capacity of the evaporation unit – 6 m3/h
OOO China National Chemical Engineering Construction Corporation Seven
Execution of works for the development of project documentation for the object “Gas Chemical Complex as part of the Ethane-containing Gas Processing Complex. External infrastructure objects. Water intake from the...
AO Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company
A complex of works for material and technical supply and “turnkey” construction projects of capital construction: “UTVGS. Release No. 93. STP. LFT”, code UTVGS-93-LOS; “UTVGS. Release No. 94. STP. LFT”,...
AO Gazpromneft-ONPZ
Development of project and working documentation, and full author supervision for the “CWT plant.” Capacity of purified water – 620 m3/day
AO Apatit
Flocculant Itflok M4135.
AO Electrosnabsbyt
Supply of backwash filters for local wastewater treatment facilities at OOO Afipsky Refinery
OOO China National Chemical Engineering Construction Corporation Seven
Execution of works for the development of working documentation and procurement of main technological equipment for the object “Title 16230 – Sewage treatment plants as part of the industrial infrastructure...
OOO China National Chemical Engineering Construction Corporation Seven
Execution of works for the development of working documentation and procurement of main technological equipment for the object “Title 16500 – Water intake from the Luga River with a water...
OOO China National Chemical Engineering Construction Corporation Seven
Complex of works for the development of working documentation and equipment procurement for the object “Title 16100 – Water treatment plants in the production infrastructure of the Gas Chemical Complex...
OOO Medvezhiy Ruchey
Complex of works for design, material and technical support, and “turnkey” construction of a mine wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 2750 m3/h.
AO EuroChem Northwest-2
Execution of research and development design work for the development of conceptual solutions to bring the production area to “zero discharge” taking into account all prospective productions
Supply of a wastewater treatment plant for construction of the Energy Block No.1 of Kursk NPP-2
OOO Amur Gas Chemical Complex
Development of project and working documentation, supply of equipment for the Water Treatment Plant and Rainwater Treatment Plant. Capacity of WTP – 3870 m3/h; Capacity of RWTP – 1347 m3/h
OOO Gipronickel Institute
Execution of project documentation for the object PAO GMK Norilsk Nickel. Polar Division. Nadvoitsy Metallurgical Plant named after B.I. Kolesnikov. The 3rd smelting shop Block 5. Infrastructure objects. Smelter gas...
AO Apatit
Main technical solutions for the reconstruction of CWT-1
AO Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant
Development of basic and detailed engineering documentation, supply of main technological equipment for the industrial stormwater and domestic wastewater treatment area, including installation and commissioning works and personnel training.
PAO NK Rosneft
Supply of a container dewatering plant for AO RNPK (ONVSS) including installation and commissioning works
PAO GMK Norilsk Nickel
Performance of design and exploration work, manufacturing of a water treatment block-module installation with a capacity of 500 m3/h, and provision of installation supervision services (Dudinka)
PAO GMK Norilsk Nickel
Supply of vertical stock tank wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 5 m3/day (Ergalaevsky)
AO EuroChem Northwest
Procurement of EDI modules
AO EuroChem Northwest
Complex of works for the design of the “Connection of the 4th EDI Block” object
OOO “Salavat Catalyst Plant”
Development of main technical solutions and initial data for assessing the economic efficiency of the project “Construction of treatment facilities for industrial wastewater at the Salavat Catalyst Plant”.
PAO NK Rosneft
Project – Installation of mechanical and physical-chemical wastewater treatment for AO RNPK including installation and commissioning works.
OOO “IG “Phosphorite”
Development of key technical solutions. Facility: Water and effluent treatment complex (WETC) at the industrial site of OOO “IG Phosphorit.”
LLC “Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez”
Work on the development of design and working documentation for the object “Local wastewater treatment plants (title 626)”
LLC “Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez”
Work on the development of design and working documentation for the object “Recycling water supply block (title 611)”
LLC “Stavrolen”
Development of a feasibility study for the project “Water treatment facilities as part of the gas chemical complex under construction in Budennovsk”
JSC “Ryazan Oil Refining Company”
Design and supply of a complex for thermal drying of sludge for biological wastewater treatment
JSC “Atomstroyexport”
Supply of a complete mixing and wastewater discharge system for the construction of power unit No. 1 of the El-Dabaa NPP
JSC “Atomstroyexport”
Supply of a UV disinfection unit for the construction of power unit No. 1 of the Rooppur NPP
Thanks to the experience gained through project implementation and partnerships with companies worldwide, AO Ion Exchange Technologies is confidently able to handle projects of any complexity.