


LLC Amur-GCC current project tasks

The minimum start-up complex has been launched by the efforts of JSC Ion-Exchange Technologies, and the development of a project for production work on priority systems is also actively underway: ultrafiltration, neutralization, dosing.

All technological equipment has been delivered and installed at the strategically important facility of OOO AGKhK, and materials have been supplied.


JSC Atomstroyexport, supply of equipment to El-Dabaa NPP

As part of the implementation of the contract with JSC Atomstroyexport for the supply of equipment for the construction of power unit No. 1 of the El Dabaa NPP in the Arab Republic of Egypt, our company agreed on technical solutions for equipment for the wastewater mixing and discharge system.

At the moment, JSC Ion-Exchange Technologies is in the process of manufacturing tank No. 2 of the mixing system and is preparing to ship the pumping equipment and tank No. 1 to the site in Egypt.


Water purification at the water treatment plant of AGCC LLC

During the commissioning work at the water treatment plant of AGCC LLC, our company’s specialists obtained purified streams: clarified water and ultrafiltrate that met the requirements of contractual obligations. The measured SDI15 value in the ultrafiltrate was 0.73, the content of turbidity, suspended solids, iron, aluminum was less than 0.1 mg/dm3, color was 3 degrees.
Receipt of design flows at WTP will allow us to begin setting up other parts of the plant and is an important milestone for the work to launch the entire complex.
The production capacity of the complex will be up to 2.7 million tons of finished products per year. JSC “Ion Exchange Technologies” carries out a full range of design, supply and commissioning works for the water treatment plant of the AGCC, the total capacity of which for treating river water and incoming rainwater is 128,500 m3/day. 


Supply of containers for sulfuric acid

Large-sized equipment for storing sulfuric acid with a volume of 100 m3 each was shipped to our strategic Customer.
First batch of 3 units.
The equipment is part of a complex for processing ethane-containing gas, located in the Leningrad region.


Unity Day

Unity Day
Happy holiday, dear friends!
We sincerely congratulate you on National Unity Day!
This day reminds us of the importance of unity and mutual assistance. May the spirit of unity always reign in your hearts, and may our country prosper thanks to common efforts.
We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity!


Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers

The team of Ion Exchange Technologies JSC congratulates all workers in the oil and gas industry!

Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers

Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers


Russia Day

Russia Day is the most important public holiday, another reason to take stock of the development of past years, to think about the present, past and future of our country, about what we have already done and what remains to be done.
Each of us, regardless of political beliefs, national and religious affiliation, is part of a Great State with a rich history. Tomorrow depends only on us, on our work, initiative and civic responsibility, the future of both each individual and the entire region, region, country. All in our hands.
Russia is not only a territory, it is a spirit – the spirit of our peoples, united by the country in which we were born and in which we grew up.
We congratulate everyone on the holiday and wish you prosperity, stability and prosperity!

Russia Day


Ecologist’s Day

Today, June 5, we all celebrate a holiday designed to draw people’s attention to environmental problems – World Environment Day. On this day, we also congratulate ecologists on their professional holiday – Ecologist’s Day, and thank their contribution: efforts, patience and perseverance in protecting nature.
Ecologist’s Day is a professional holiday for everyone who specializes in environmental protection. These include not only civil servants, employees of nature reserves and full-time environmentalists of enterprises, but also activists who are not indifferent to this area. Each of us can contribute to protecting the environment and making the future for us and our children environmentally friendly.
Our company congratulates all concerned and involved. It is you who help people enjoy green grass, clear skies, and the opportunity to drink clean water.
Thank you for your daily work.

Ecologists day


International Children’s Day

In our country, Children’s Day has traditionally been celebrated for many years under the auspices of the Russian Children’s Fund.
The purpose of the holiday is to remind about respect for children’s rights to life, education and recreation; on protection from violence and exploitation of child labor.
In most countries, childhood is considered one of the most important stages in a person’s life: it is during this happy period that the future citizen prepares for full interaction with society and lays the foundation for unlocking his creative and intellectual potential.
Children are the most precious, most priceless, purest and brightest thing in our lives. Caring for every child, protecting his rights, life and health is the most important task of our country, the main principle of our society. Each of us contributes a treasure to the development and formation of our children in society.
AO Ion Exchange Technologies sincerely congratulates everyone on this bright holiday. Let every child feel protected, needed, loved and happy!

International Children's day


9 May – Victory Day

The team of Ion Exchange Technologies JSC congratulates everyone on the anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War!

This sacred holiday, this great feat will forever remain in the history of our country, in the memory of living people and the future generation. Over the course of long, difficult years, our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers stubbornly resisted the enemy and repeatedly achieved the seemingly impossible. From their example we can learn not only perseverance, but also courage and courage. We can be proud of their fortitude and courage, love for the Motherland. On this day we pay tribute to memory and gratitude to the entire generation of great heroes.

We heartily congratulate everyone who was involved in the Victory: veterans, home front workers, their descendants, as well as the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. We wish everyone good health and peaceful skies above their heads.


9  May - Victory Day



Holiday of Spring and Labor Day

The team of Ion Exchange Technologies JSC congratulates everyone on the Spring and Labor Day.

This international holiday concerns not only people of different ages, professions, their political views, but also entire countries. This day is for everyone the personification of bright hopes, a symbol of a person’s desire for creative work and well-being.

We thank our customers, colleagues and partners for the opportunity to grow, reach new heights, implement interesting projects, and for fruitful cooperation.

Our desire to work had moral and material support and was joy, as well as the achievement of our goals.

Holiday of Spring and Labor



Ethane-containing Gas Processing Complex Water Intake Construction Progress for in Ust-Luga

Construction is underway on the banks of the Luga River in Kingisepp District of the Leningrad Region, right across from the village of Bolshoye Kuzemkino. The project in progress is a major construction endeavor, known as the “Gas Chemical Complex as part of the Ethane-containing Gas Processing Complex. External Infrastructure Facilities. River Luga Water Intake with Pipeline.” This facility is set to provide the Gas Chemical Complex within the Ethane-containing Gas Processing Complex with water sourced from the River Luga. This water supply will serve various needs, including household, drinking, fire-fighting, and industrial purposes.

The planned water intake volume is 143,600 m3 per day.

The water intake complex includes the construction of the following main structures – a water intake bucket with water intake headers, Pump Station I lifting building, as well as the laying of two pipelines from Pump Station I lifting building to the boundary of the Gas Chemical Complex’s design. The water intake headers are equipped with fish protection devices to prevent harm to the aquatic fauna.

The project documentation for the construction object has been developed in accordance with the requirements of Government of the Russian Federation decree of February 16, 2008, No. 87, “On the Composition of Sections of Project Documentation and Requirements to their Content.”

The non-governmental expert assessment of the project documentation by OOO “MIC-Expertise” NGE No. 47-2-1-3-038288-2021 of July 15, 2021 was positive, and one from from the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Use No. 740/GEhEh of June 25, 2021 was positive as well.

Limited Liability Company “Baltic Chemical Complex” has obtained construction permit No. 47-RU47507308-091K-2021 valid from August 20, 2021, through August 20, 2025.

To ensure construction and installation work is conducted in compliance with the norms and requirements of Russia’s environmental legislation, approvals from executive authorities have also been obtained, including the Northwest Territorial Department of the Federal Agency for Fishery, Neva-Ladoga Basin Water Directorate, the Committee on Natural Resources of the Leningrad Region, and the Rospotrebnadzor Office for Leningrad Region.

The materials for the environmental impact assessment underwent public discussion involving representatives of the local population. During these public hearings, the feasibility of project implementation was justified, with the planned activities’ impact on key eco-social factors taken into consideration.

During the construction and installation work, the project incorporates and carries out measures to protect and preserve all components of the surrounding natural environment – land resources, water resources, aquatic biological resources, atmospheric air, and subsoil.

To ensure compliance with environmental protection measures during business or other activities, rational utilization and restoration of natural resources, as well as adherence to environmental protection requirements stipulated by environmental legislation, quarterly industrial environmental control and monitoring of environmental components are conducted, involving the engagement of specialists from accredited laboratories.

During monitoring, samples of river and groundwater, atmospheric air, soil, as well as monitoring of plant and animal life are collected at points established by the monitoring program.

In the spring spawning periods of 2022 and 2023, near the village of Ostrovki in Vsevolozhsk District of the Leningrad Region, under the supervision of specialists from the Northwest Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Glavrybvod” and the Fishery Directorate, a series of releases of young Atlantic salmon yearling with an average individual weight of 11-20 grams were carried out. These were bred in the facilities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Neva Fish Farm.” Approximately 19,500 salmon fry were introduced into the fauna of the Neva River as part of compensatory measures aimed at restoring bio resources during the implementation of the project “Gas Chemical Complex as part of the Ethane-containing Gas Processing Complex. External Infrastructure Facilities. River Luga Water Intake with Pipeline.”

The purpose of these compensatory measures is to conserve aquatic biological resources and their habitat by preventing, reducing, and eliminating the negative consequences of anthropogenic activities.

Currently, construction activities at the site have seen the completion of tasks like installing the water intake bucket, as well as planning the shoreline slopes with stone reinforcement. Ongoing efforts encompass the construction of Pump Station I lifting building and administrative spaces, alongside the installation of pipelines for the linear section. This includes backfilling the pipeline trench. Intermediate hydrotests of the pipelines have been successfully conducted. Furthermore, work is underway to lay external water supply and sewage networks, as well as cable routing for powering the water supply networks. Initial steps towards improving the site’s surroundings have also been taken.




Release of juvenile Atlantic yearling salmon stock

On April 13, 2023, near the village of Ostrovki, Vsevolozhsk District, Leningrad Region, yearling Atlantic salmon with an average piece weight of 11-20 grams were released under the control of specialists from the North-Western Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Glavrybvod and SZU FAR (Rosrybolovstvo). Fish fry were grown in the nursery ponds of FGBU “Nevsky Fish Breeding Plant”.
Atlantic salmon totaling to 2,691 fry (weighing about 970 kg) replenished the fauna of the Neva River in the course of compensatory arrangements to restore biological resources during the implementation of the Project referred to as “Gas Chemical Complex within the Configuration of the Ethane-Containing Gas Processing Complex Project. Offsite Infrastructure Facilities. Water Intake from the Luga River with a Water Conduit”. The event was initiated by AO Ion Exchange Technologies.
The purpose of implemented compensatory arrangements was to preserve aquatic biological resources and their habitats by means of prevention, reduction, and elimination of the consequences of anthropogenic impacts on the environment.


Выпуск молоди атлантического лосося-годовика

Выпуск молоди атлантического лосося-годовика

Выпуск молоди атлантического лосося-годовика

Выпуск молоди атлантического лосося-годовика

Выпуск молоди атлантического лосося-годовика

Выпуск молоди атлантического лосося-годовика

Выпуск молоди атлантического лосося-годовика


Norilsk Wastewater Treatment Plant Begins Operating

Norilsk Wastewater Treatment Plant Begins Operating by Incorporating Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facilities from AO Ion Exchange Technologies

The facilities are designed to purify suspended solids, petroleum products, metals, and other harmful impurities using the physicochemical treatment method. Reagent treatment of water with final disinfection using ultraviolet lamps is the basis of the method, and it has universal applicability in many sectors of the national economy.

Although local wastewater treatment facilities have a uniform system for purifying industrial effluents utilizing reagents, they differ in their capacity.

  #NORILSK. “Taimyr Telegraph”


International Conference “Tunisia 2020”

Today, on November 29, a delegation from AO Ion Exchange Technologies arrived in Tunisia to attend the International Conference in support of Tunisia’s economic, social, and sustainable development until 2020.

The conference brought together more than 1,000 government leaders, heads of state, financial institution presidents, investment funds, and heads of major international companies from 70 countries.

Over 140 investment projects aimed at developing Tunisia’s economy will be presented at the conference. Discussions on the rehabilitation, expansion, and strengthening of the sewage network and the national water supply and distribution company will be some of the main topics, in which AO Ion Exchange Technologies will actively participate.

As part of the conference, the main development plan for Tunisia until 2020 will be presented, including the most extensive projects and reforms that will give an impetus to economic development and attract domestic and foreign investment.

Yuriy Anatolyevich Kopytin, Natalya Yuryevna Samsonova, Svetlana Petrovna Samsonova, Elena Mikhailovna Meshcheryakova, and Maria Vladimirovna Moreva are attending the conference.


Commencement of Public Discussions on Project Documentation

OOO Baltic Chemical Complex has announced that it will be seeking public discussions on the project documentation developed by AO “Ion Exchange Technologies.”

OOO Baltic Chemical Complex has informed about the initiation of an environmental impact assessment procedure while preparing documentation that outlines its commercial activities. Additionally, it has commenced public discussions on project documentation at the notification, preliminary environmental impact assessment, and TOR formation stage for Environmental Impact Assessment on the object: “Gas Chemical Complex as part of the complex for processing ethane-containing gas. External infrastructure facilities. Water intake from the Luga river with a water pipe.”

The estimated timeline for conducting the environmental impact assessment is Q3-Q4 2020.



New Environmental Tax

Experts in the field of water treatment, water purification, and wastewater treatment at the company Ion Exchange Technologies have expressed their opinion about the possible introduction of a new environmental tax.

“In my opinion, the Ministry of Finance’s draft law is not the best, as there is no need for it, since the Federal Law “On the Protection of the Environment” (OPE), which began to operate from 01.01.2019, already contains the necessary amendments. It provides for the gradation of enterprises according to emissions, discharges of harmful substances, and waste into the environment. Each category provides for its tariff for the payment of environmental pollution, in other words, enterprises of the 1st category (for example, oil refineries) pay more than enterprises of the 4th category (food industry enterprises). According to this law, the fee for small and medium-sized businesses is proportional to the annual turnover of the enterprises. However, the environmental tax does not take this into account, which means that oil refining and food industry enterprises will pay the same amount for the same type of pollution, which will lead to the decline of the food industry, as large amounts of taxes will lead to bankruptcy. Furthermore, the law on environmental protection provides for the stimulation of enterprises up to the cancellation of the fee for waste disposal, atmospheric emissions, and discharge into water bodies, provided that environmental protection measures are carried out in accordance with the “Best Available Technologies” reference book. In case of non-compliance, the fees increase by 100 times.

The environmental tax does not provide for this, and the TOP-100 Russian enterprises will find it more profitable to pay the tax rather than upgrade their environmental facilities. It is necessary to refine the law on environmental protection and make certain amendments, for example, to specify the deadlines for upgrades according to the categories of enterprises,”

-comments Fail Nasyrov, the chief specialist in wastewater treatment at AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

Svetlana Samsonova, the technical director of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, expressed her position regarding the environmental tax discussion:

“The main goal should not only be a fair collection of tax revenues for environmental protection, but also the organization of funding for natural events. Unlike the already existing tax, the new tax seems more liberal towards producers of goods, which allows them to care less about upgrading their own wastewater treatment technologies discharged into the natural reservoirs. We need to avoid an ecological catastrophe and give our children a clean, healthy planet.”


The 4th International Exhibition “ARABIA-EXPO 2019”

On April 8th, as part of the 4th International Exhibition “ARABIA-EXPO 2019” in Moscow, a meeting of the Russian-Iraqi Business Council was held. Alexander Snegirev, Manager of International Relations at AO Ion Exchange Technologies (IoT), delivered a report on water treatment and purification.

Representatives of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Iraq, as well as representatives of trade groups promoting international cooperation, attended the event. Among them were Edward Benderysky, Chairman of the Russian-Iraqi Business Council (RIBC); Abdul Razak Al-Zuhr, President of the Federation of Iraq Chambers of Commerce and Industry; Dmitry Kurochkin, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; Haidar Al-Atari, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the Russian Federation; Muhammad Ali Diam, Head of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals of Iraq, as well as representatives of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the provinces of Iraq – Basra, Kirkuk, Nasiriya, and others.

During his speech, Alexander Snegirev talked about the experience of AO Ion Exchange Technologies in the field of treatment of associated oilfield water, the company’s innovations and implemented projects.

“Our company is open to dialog and long-term cooperation with representatives of government bodies and potential customers for the company’s participation in water treatment and sewage purification projects for industrial enterprises in the country, as well as meeting the needs of the Iraqi population for clean drinking water,” says Alexander Snegirev, Manager of International Relations at Ion Exchange Technologies.

Following the meeting, representatives of the Iraqi business community expressed interest in IoT technologies for water treatment for oil companies in Iraq, as well as for preparing drinking water for the southern regions of the country, given the significant shortage of clean water for mass consumers. During the negotiations, ways of developing cooperation between the parties were discussed. In addition, the Iraqi side proposed the creation of a joint venture in Iraq for water treatment and purification.


Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov

On February 13th, Ion Exchange Technologies took part in a meeting led by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Yuri Borisov, on “Organizing interaction between Russia’s higher education institutions and defense industry enterprises with the Ministry of Defense of Russia in carrying out research and development at the Military Innovation Technopolis ‘New Era’.” During the meeting, Yuri Borisov set the task of “establishing joint work in the shortest possible time and launching the implementation of projects to search and implement innovative technologies.” Ion Exchange Technologies was the only private company among the residents of “New Era” to present its ideas  at the two-hour meeting.

The event brought together a large number of representatives from governmental, educational and military structures. The Ministry of Defense was represented by such high-ranking officials as Deputy Ministers Popov P.A. and Krivoruchko A.Yu. The scientific and academic elite was represented by the Rector of Moscow State University, Sadovnichy V.A., Rector of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Alexandrov A.A., and others. Over 100 representatives from research, educational, and production organizations interested in the results of the military innovation technopolis discussed approaches to joint work.

During the event, the Head of the Water Treatment Department at Ion Exchange Technologies, Oleg Tsybilev, spoke about providing high-quality drinking water to small military units and the results of joint work with scientific teams from the laboratory of life support processes within the technopolis.

“We have developed a modern technology based on processes of pre-filtration, ozone-sorbent cleaning, membrane cleaning, and catalytic decontamination. These technologies provide purification of natural waters from any water sources, including those contaminated with technological impurities, to drinking water quality. The ultimate goal is to develop a standard range of industrially produced compact mobile plants,” -said Oleg Tsybilev.

In addition, Oleg Tsybilev highlighted two new developments of the company in his report: a metal-sorbent reagent that allows for a significant reduction in the number of water treatment stages by binding and precipitating heavy metals and a filtering load medium for mechanical cleaning created based on oleophobic materials. This filtering load is much more effective in treating natural and wastewater and allows for higher filtration rates and sludge capacity, significantly increasing station productivity, reducing the amount of flushing water, and improving the quality of purification.




On September 20-21, AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the 3rd Bratsk Economic Forum. Entrepreneurs from Bratsk and other municipalities of the Angara region, as well as from Irkutsk, Ust-Ilimsk, and Moscow, participated in one of the largest business events in Siberia to strengthen mutually beneficial partnerships between municipalities and businesses.

126 delegations and about 300 delegates from Irkutsk region and other regions (14 municipalities and 112 organizations and institutions) – BEF-2018 expands the boundaries and opportunities for businesses on its platform.

AO Ion Exchange Technologies was invited to the forum as a multi-profile manufacturing company working in the field of water treatment and wastewater treatment, applying modern efficient and, most importantly, safe water treatment technologies. Their services are in high demand due to the continuous increase in environmental pollution, and they have successfully implemented their technology not only in different regions of Russia but also abroad.

During their visit to the exhibition, the Mayor of Bratsk, Sergey Vasilievich Serebryannikov, and members of the presidium visited the booth of AO Ion Exchange Technologies. The representatives of the city administration showed interest in the offered technologies and solutions in the field of water treatment and wastewater treatment. At the booth, the colleagues exchanged contacts and agreed to discuss the outlined tasks in more detail during the impending working meeting.

The participation in this forum is related to the successful activities of the company in Bratsk region. In particular, in the Bratsk branch of BLPK Ilim Group, where the project team of AO Ion Exchange Technologies started the final stage of the reconstruction project of a demineralized water production plant with a capacity of 400 m3/h.


International Forum “National Security Week” and Exhibition “Army-2018”

From August 21-26, AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the largest international event of national scale organized by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The “National Security Week” forum and “Army-2018” exhibition became one of the main global events of 2018. From August 21 to 26, the event saw attendance from representatives of 18 different countries and over 1500 enterprises. Over the course of the forum’s days, approximately one million people visited the event.

Our company’s booth, and in particular, the exhibited water treatment and purification equipment, attracted significant interest from specialists and representatives of military and law enforcement agencies. It is worth noting that at this exhibition, AO Ion Exchange Technologies was the largest company operating in the field of water treatment and purification.

The solutions proposed by the Company for the Russian Ministry of Defense primarily aim to provide reliable access to drinking and technical water for the troops in field conditions, ensure the quick acquisition of freshwater from salty and polluted water bodies, and supply clean water and sterilized air to both field and stationary hospitals.

One of the first to visit our booth was the delegation of the country’s First Deputy Minister of Defense, Army General Ruslan Khadzhismelovich Tsalykov. The installations on the booth – an air ozonator, an ozonation-sorption purification system, and a schematic principle of mechanical filtration using a reverse osmosis membrane – were presented to him. The First Deputy Minister highly appreciated the potential of the water treatment equipment for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and expressed hope that the Company’s solutions in the field of water treatment and purification could positively contribute to the performance of the tasks set before the military units.

The Chief of the Main Military Medical Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Trishkin, also appreciated the capabilities and products of the Company. He was particularly interested in the air ozonator, which, according to the head of the main military medical department, can be successfully used for disinfection and decontamination of the air in military hospitals, sanitary units, and other medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Overall, during the exhibition, our booth was visited by a large number of representatives of the defense department of the country, law enforcement agencies, specialists in the field of water treatment, as well as foreign guests, which once again confirmed the importance of providing consumers with clean drinking water and the relevance of water purification for the needs of the military department and subordinates.


a New Stage in Cooperation Development. Vietnam

Presently, AO Ion Exchange Technologies is actively expanding its presence in the market of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in terms of implementing modern solutions in the field of water treatment and purification. Our company has already made two business trips to said country (Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City), as a result of which we have obtained initial information about the potential of the water treatment market of the country, the existing problems in the field of ecology, water use, and wastewater treatment, as well as the current needs of the state for the construction of new and modernization/repair of existing water treatment plants and water treatment installations for individual and group water consumers, as well as industrial enterprises and production.

An important competitive advantage of our company for working in the Vietnamese market is our customer-oriented approach, offering state-of-the-art solutions that have already proven successful. The work of AO Ion Exchange Technologies with leading world water treatment equipment manufacturers, as well as the availability of our own production facilities and sites for assembling and testing the developed pilot installations, create favorable conditions for cooperation and work for Vietnamese partners and customers, fulfilling obligations for design, equipment supply, chief installation, and author supervision. Moreover, we plan to entrust the construction and installation works to Vietnamese companies, which will contribute to high-quality training of local personnel in new types of work and provide broad opportunities for employment of Vietnamese workers. At the same time, due to the stable financial condition of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, it has the possibility to attract any required number of bank guarantees for projects.

In Vietnam, our company has already held several rounds of negotiations and gained support from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam. We plan to provide technological and expert services for the development and improvement of the country’s water treatment legislation by the Ministry.

In addition, our company has begun to interact with state-owned companies such as EVN, PetroVietnam, and Vinacomin to determine the priority directions for further work on the existing wastewater treatment systems at the facilities under their management. Several specific projects are being discussed among experts, where the technological solutions of AO Ion Exchange Technologies will improve the performance of existing systems and reduce operational costs.

AO Ion Exchange Technologies considers the Vietnamese market as a priority direction of its activities abroad, primarily due to traditionally strong political and economic relations between the USSR and Vietnam, established in the Soviet period, and the current direction of the leaders of both countries towards restoring interstate trade and economic ties and improving bilateral trade.

AO Ion Exchange Technologies is proud to be the first and only Russian company working in the Vietnamese market and is open to mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation with potential customers and partners to provide services in the field of water treatment and purification. Our company is committed to improving the standard of living of the Vietnamese population and increasing the country’s production capacity.


Innovative IoT Solutions for Oil and Gas Sector

Currently, and in the foreseeable future, the oil and gas sector will remain one of the key segments of the Russian economy. On the one hand, this industry has significant innovative potential and financial resources for its implementation, but on the other hand, effective functioning and development of the oil industry are impossible without the wide application of new technologies.

From April 16 to 19, employees of the Ion Exchange Technologies company participated in the National Oil and Gas Forum within the framework of the international exhibition of equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex “Oil and Gas – 2018”.

The implementation of innovative projects in the oil and gas industry is a priority direction of activity for the IoT company, as the industry is ready to adopt high-tech and modern solutions with the aim of rational use of mineral and raw materials base, preservation of the environment and increasing the country’s potential on the international stage.

As a rule, when we talk about the oil industry, we mean the extraction and processing of oil. However, more and more attention is being paid to service companies, which provide a wide range of services – from geological exploration to the production and maintenance of equipment. It is in oilfield services where the prerequisites and opportunities for solving many production problems, improving its innovation and efficiency lie. Such an approach allows service companies to concentrate on performing separate technological operations, making full use of their personnel, technical solutions, and innovations.

The results of such specialization are manifested in reducing costs for producers/service companies and consumers of services – oil producing companies.

In modern conditions, the development and use of many new technologies in hydrocarbon production is initiated or involves service companies. An intellectual, knowledge-intensive service, even at a higher cost, significantly reduces both the cost of increasing the unit of reserves and the cost of the extracted product.

“When you have been developing and implementing innovative solutions for oil companies for many years, you go through the stages of “it works/it doesn’t work.” Our experience gained so far is one of the competitive advantages of IoT among companies working with water for oil and gas companies. The company has been working on creating effective solutions for the oil and gas industry for a long time. We are seriously engaged in the localization of Western technologies at our production site, understanding the importance of import substitution in the oilfield service direction.

 IoT applies both proven and new rational technologies that work to increase the oil recovery factor (ORF) and maintain reservoir pressure (MRP) by separating oil products and sludge in oil-containing waters,”

-says Katerina Brazhnikova, Director of Development at AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

Let’s take an example of a technology that is based solely on mechanical filtration through a special load with oleophobic (oil-repellent) properties and has several advantages over standard methods:

  • Initial concentration of oil can reach several hundred grams;
  • Effective (over 90%) extraction of oil products and suspended solids;
  • Surface properties of the special load promote coalescence (agglomeration of droplets) of oil;
  • Reagent-free technology, no need for preliminary use of coagulants and flocculants;
  • Oil adsorption capacity of the special load is 8-10 times higher than that of quartz sand;
  • Filtration rate is 2-3 times higher compared to standard mechanical filtration;
  • Minimal consumption of wash water for regeneration (washing) of the load when using the source water.

The treatment of flushing water allows for easy separation of oil and mechanical impurities. The separated oil from the flushing water is returned to the processing tanks, the oil sludge is disposed of, and the clarified water is supplied to the head of the mechanical filtration. As a result, the water quality index (KI) is improved.

“In the oil production and refining industries, Ion Exchange Technologies has implemented more than 30 projects,”

-says Dmitry Brazhnikov, Commercial Director of AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

“We have achieved significant cost savings in oil refining by improving such indicators as:

  • Increasing the life cycle of energy equipment through the use of deeply purified water:

– reducing the interflushing interval of boiler equipment;

– reducing expenses on reagents being used;

– reducing corrosion damage to the steam and water circuit.

  • Reducing costs for fuel and increasing the efficiency of thermal power stations:

– reducing deposits of mineral impurities on energy equipment significantly reduces the cost of heating water;

  • Reducing water intake:

– closed-loop systems can significantly reduce the volume of water taken from external sources for production purposes;

  • Savings on costs for sludge disposal:

– an effective system for dewatering and disposing of the formed sludge reduces the cost of its transportation and storage and improves the environmental component.

Moreover, our company pays significant attention to the localization of Western technologies and import substitution.

Given the hidden import in the oil industry, when Russian “subsidiaries” of foreign companies provide services, the share of imported equipment and technologies can reach 80%, and for individual projects, it can exceed 90%.

“In the medium term, there is already a risk of a decrease in production,” admitted the Ministry of Industry and Trade and decided to reduce this dependence to 50-60% by 2018-2020 and to bring it down to 10% by 2035.

At the moment, everyone understands the danger of such a situation for the country’s oil and gas sector. In connection with this situation, our company has developed a “Plan of Measures for Import Substitution”, the implementation of which allows us to gradually replace imported equipment and components with materials that we produce ourselves, thanks to our own production complex.


International Exhibition “WATER and HEAT” in the Republic of Belarus

From April 3rd to April 6th, 2018, AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented their new projects and products in Minsk, alongside leading manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers of advanced technologies and equipment for high-quality water and heat supply, in accordance with the Company’s regional business development plan.

The exhibition featured the participation of around 187 companies with products from over twenty countries, and exclusive presentations of the best brands from Belarus, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, and other countries.

Representing our Company in the international market is always a great responsibility, especially when entering it for the first time. We had several tasks concerning the study of partner companies, potential customer requests, and so on. Based on the results of the exhibition, I can confidently say that the event was a success for us, as evidenced by the constant consultations at the IoT booth, visitor interest in the company’s activities, and the number and quality of agreements with potential partners on further cooperation.

“The next step is concrete negotiations with all interested partners regarding further business development,”

-says Dmitry Brazhnikov, Commercial Director of AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

Over the first three days of the exhibition, representatives of more than 65 companies interested in our engineering and production solutions visited the IoT booth, which we could share in the market thanks to the high professionalism and informativeness of our specialists’ consultations.

Our colleagues also conversed with and provided consultations to interested technical specialists, being fully aware that they will not become direct customers of our services. However, we are ready to help the Belarusian market and have demonstrated openness to expanding our circle of partners and acquaintances.

The market of the Republic of Belarus has set real tasks before us, which we will solve in both communal and production enterprises of the Republic: carbonization, deironing, biological treatment of wastewater.

On behalf of the Company, we thank all the customers and partners who visited the AO Ion Exchange Technologies booth and participated in negotiations. We sincerely hope for our effective and fruitful cooperation!


World Water Day

On March 22, International Water Day is celebrated in Russia, as well as in other countries. At IoT, many employees take water purification seriously, both on an industrial and local scale. If you were  to ask the company’s leaders to name three reasons why they work at IoT, you would definitely get an answer that “water is the most important resource of humanity, and every day we are engaged in the crucial task of purifying water and solving numerous problems in this area!”

 “Over the past 18 years, the company has implemented more than 100 projects, as a result of which we have successfully implemented modern water treatment and wastewater treatment technologies. This indicates that thanks to our highly qualified technologists, designers, engineers, and other staff, whose work has provided consumers with clean water. Through their efforts, the water entering natural bodies has undergone purification!

 One of the criteria for the competitiveness of production complexes in various industries on the market for a long time has been the compliance of the water used with the requirements of the highest quality, including deeply deionized water, the production of which is possible only thanks to the work of highly qualified specialists, which our team has. On World Water Day, we take pride in extending our warmest congratulations to our clients, partners, and, most importantly, our employees!” – says Katerina Brazhnikova, Development Director of AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

On this day, events are held, the main direction of which is to draw people’s attention to the problems of water resources and their solution. Many conferences and other industry events are held as part of the Water Day celebration. Leaders of government and public organizations, as well as commercial enterprises, meet there to discuss various thematic issues at the highest level. Following the results of the conferences resolutions are adopted, which regulate the monitoring of the use and distribution of freshwater resources.

 “The year 2017 was in many respects a turning point for society in realizing the importance of environmental protection. Strategic projects such as the preservation of the Volga River and Lake Baikal were launched. Changes to legislation affecting industrial ecology are being implemented. In this context, the responsibility for making rational decisions regarding the organization of water supply and wastewater treatment for industrial enterprises and residential areas has increased significantly. The comprehensive approach and transparency in solving complex engineering tasks, implemented by our company’s specialists, in the new conditions, will not only ensure our clients receive guaranteed results, but also enable the identification of environmental risks and the planning of economic development in the future,”

– explains Oleg Tsabilev, Head of the Water Treatment Department at AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

Dear colleagues, partners, and customers! On behalf of the company, we would like to congratulate you on this professional holiday and wish you further development, growth, and new achievements!


Respectfully and considerately yours,

AO Ion Exchange Technologies



Today, on November 1st, a delegation from AO Ion Exchange Technologies is attending the 26th leading international exhibition of water treatment and industrial and wastewater purification technologies, AQUATECH Amsterdam 2017, in the Netherlands.

Over the 50 years since the exhibition’s inception in 1964, the AQUATECH brand has become globally renowned, and exhibitions under this name are now also held in India, China, and the USA.

The exhibition’s business program includes thematic seminars, conferences, presentations, which will cover issues related to various types of drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, sewage, water transport, storage and distribution, as well as scientific research.

The main thematic sections of AQUATECH 2017 exhibition are:

  • Water transport and storage: pumps and pump systems, water pipes, pipeline fittings and valves, water distribution, sewer system, tanks and bunkers;
  • Water treatment: UV radiation, separators, seawater desalination, activated carbon, porous membrane filtration, filters, chemical water treatment, biological water treatment, drainage equipment, sludge separation, presses and centrifuges;
  • Usage: water coolers and dispensers, filters for household use, bottled water;
  • Technology and process automation: automation, process control equipment, dosing equipment, detectors, control and management models, computer modeling;
  • Research and consulting: consulting and construction companies, certification and testing services, training, scientific research;

Public water supply companies and national pavilions: wholesale trade enterprises, purification facilities, water supply, and rational water use.


II Conference “Experience of Modernization of Water Supply and Wastewater Systems in Housing and Utility Services and Industry”

Representatives of AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the international conference “Experience in modernization of water supply and wastewater systems in housing and utilities industry” held in Yalta from October 9 to 13. During the conference, roundtable discussions were organized on key issues related to the development of water supply and wastewater systems in housing and utility services and industry.

Specialists discussed problems and current issues related to the energy efficiency of structures and water supply and wastewater systems, as well as the best available technologies and water management in the modern Russian water supply and sanitation sector. The conference also considered the prospects for the development of the water supply and sanitation sector in Russia and the Republic of Crimea, the implementation of the federal targeted program for economic development, and the modernization of water supply and sanitation in Crimea. More than 100 representatives of state, non-profit, and commercial organizations, as well as water utilities, took part in the conference. This year, colleagues from the People’s Republic of China and representatives of the company “Kaitian Rus”, which has been occupying the first place in the production of industrial pumps in the People’s Republic of China for 12 years and is a key player in this segment of the market, were present at the conference.

The event was organized with the support of the Head of the Republic of Crimea and was organized by the “Water Supply and Sewage” group, the Interregional Union of Designers, and the Expert and Technological Council of the Russian Water Association.




Open House Day at State Atomic Energy Corporation ‘Rosatom’

On October 4th, delegates from AO Ion Exchange Technologies participated in the Open House Day of the Technology Transfer Center in Capital Construction of the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” at the Skolkovo Technopark.

The event featured an exhibition, technology demonstrations, and thematic sections discussing modern technologies and solutions for the heat and power industry. Representatives from AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented effective methods and technologies for water purification for nuclear power plants at the thematic section “Development of Technologies for Industrial Water Treatment and Recycling Technical Water Supply.”


Certification of Environmental Management and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

AO Ion Exchange Technologies has successfully passed the Certification of the environmental management system and occupational health and safety management system.

Compliance Certificate GOST R ISO 14001-2007 (ISO 14001:2015) – Environmental Management Systems

This is to certify that the environmental management system for engineering surveys, technology selection, design, equipment and materials procurement, production, construction, installation, commissioning, repair, service, and warranty service in all industrial sectors meets the requirements of GOST R ISO 14001-2007 (ISO 14001:2015).

The certificate is valid until 2020.

The certificate of compliance with OHSAS 18001:2007 certifies that the occupational health and safety management system for engineering surveys, technology selection, design, equipment and materials procurement, production, construction, installation, commissioning, repair, service, and warranty service in all industrial sectors meets the requirements of GOST 12.0.230-2007/ OHSAS 18001:2007.

The certificate is valid until 2020.


Quality Management System Certificate Confirmed

AO Ion Exchange Technologies has successfully passed the latest certification for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 (GOST R ISO 9001-2015) for its quality management system. The certificate confirms compliance with ISO 9001:2015 for:

  • pre-project work (research, surveys, pilot developments);
  • design (including author supervision of design);
  • construction and production, warranty and service maintenance of water treatment, water supply and wastewater systems, pollution treatment and disposal systems;
  • processing and disposal of sludge and pollution;
  • construction and commissioning work (including construction and installation work, testing and commissioning work, acceptance testing work, and overhaul and reconstruction work);
  • performing the functions of a general contractor in the field of pre-project work, design, construction and commissioning work (including construction and installation work, testing and commissioning work, acceptance testing work, and overhaul and reconstruction work);
  • material and equipment supply;
  • project management and “turnkey” implementation, including in the oil and gas and oil refining industries.

The certificate is valid until 2019.


All-Russian Water Congress – 2017

Today, June 27th, a delegation from the company AO Ion Exchange Technologies is present at the opening of the All-Russian Water Congress, organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Russian Association of Water Supply and Wastewater. The first All-Russian Water Congress, dedicated to the topic of “Water Resources of Russia for Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Country, Environmental Safety, and Public Health”, is being held within the framework of the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation. The event aims to discuss the highly acute problem of rational and effective use of water resources by various sectors of the economy in Russia.

At the opening of the Congress, a welcoming speech was given by Sergey Ivanov, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for environmental protection, ecology, and transportation issues.

The Congress is expected to host about 1,000 participants, including legislative and executive authorities, major water users from various sectors of the economy, research institutes, professional associations, and industry unions. Delegations from the Republics of Adygea, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Karelia, Crimea, Dagestan, Chuvashia, Udmurtia, and Chechnya, as well as representatives from the Krasnodar and Zabaykalsky Krai, Moscow, Voronezh, Vladimir, Kaluga, and other regions, and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District are participating in the Congress.

As part of the Congress’s business program, discussions will be held on legal, economic, and environmental problems of water use in the fuel and energy, agricultural, industrial, communal, and transport sectors, as well as issues related to meeting the sectoral needs of all participants in water management systems to prevent pollution of water resources. A separate direction of the program will be devoted to issues of protecting Lake Baikal and the problems of transboundary pollution of surface waters, using the example of the Amur River.


Conference “Water Treatment and Water-Chemical Modes of Thermal Power Plants. Goals and objectives”

From May 23-25, AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the VI International Scientific and Technical Conference “Water Treatment and Water-Chemical Regimes of Thermal Power Plants. Goals and Objectives.” The conference was organized by OAO VTI with the support and participation of the Electric Power Council of the CIS.

The conference was attended by 80 delegates – technical managers and employees of domestic energy and energy engineering companies, power plants and manufacturers of power equipment, research and design organizations, universities, as well as foreign specialists, research organizations, and universities, representatives of energy companies and suppliers of energy equipment from the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Lithuania.

The conference included presentations, discussions, roundtable meetings, mini-exhibitions, and participants were able to familiarize themselves with the experimental base of OAO VTI.

Pavel Sokolov, an engineer-technologist at AO Ion Exchange Technologies, said,

“During the conference, issues related to the operation of water treatment equipment at thermal power plants and the organization of water-chemical regimes of thermal and recycling systems were discussed. Topics of particular interest to technologists were the cleaning and preservation of thermal equipment using both traditional and new techniques and reagents. The method of producing domestic ultrafiltration membranes and their practical application was actively discussed, and current issues of pre-treatment of water used in the processes of thermal energy were considered. It is worth noting that the presentations of the speakers included practical research data from currently operating facilities, which contributes to a more detailed understanding of the issues and technologies discussed.”

As a result of the conference, various research and practical work is planned to be conducted to solve problems related to ensuring reliable and economical operation of thermal power plant equipment.


VIII International Forum “Ecology”

The 8th International Forum “Ecology” took place on March 20-21, 2017, with representatives from AO Ion Exchange Technologies in attendance. One of the main topics discussed at the forum was the development of waste processing industry. Representatives from federal and regional authorities, businesses, and public organizations discussed the rules of the game in this sector in the waste processing section. The forum participants agreed that it is necessary to stimulate businesses and the population at the state level to direct waste for processing and return it to the economy, rather than burying or incinerating it. To achieve this, a number of changes to the current legislation were proposed, as well as financial incentives for the population to separate waste collection and support for small and medium-sized businesses in the industry.

During the working and panel sessions of the forum, participants discussed the development of the water and sanitation system in Russia, the implementation of the best available technologies, the creation of an environmentally comfortable urban environment, and other topics.

More than 600 representatives from 57 regions of Russia and 7 foreign countries took part in the forum. Among the participants were representatives from relevant government bodies, science, public organizations, industrial and transportation companies, urban utility organizations, eco-service industry, as well as developers, manufacturers, and suppliers of eco-technologies and equipment.

The result of the forum’s work will be a final public resolution that includes specific proposals for improving environmental state policy and legislation.


Innovations and Trends in Wastewater Treatment Development in Russia

On March 17th, a delegation from AO Ion Exchange Technologies participated in a seminar titled “Innovations and Trends in the Development of Small-Scale Wastewater Treatment in Russia”. The seminar was supported by the Expert and Technological Council of the Russian Water Association within the business program of the 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Yakovlev Readings”, dedicated to the memory of RAS Academician Sergei Vasilyevich Yakovlev.

The seminar covered topics related to wastewater disposal and treatment, including those associated with urban population growth, industrial enterprises, harmful production, environmental problems, rational use of water resources, research in the field of natural and wastewater treatment, and other current issues.

Irina Lobanova, a leading engineer-technologist at AO Ion Exchange Technologies, shared her thoughts:

“For me, the experience of companies in matters of efficiency, energy and resource conservation, discussion of the concept of improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment and energy efficiency while maintaining the optimal age of activated sludge, as well as consideration of the modernized classical technology with the use of active secondary clarifiers with a combined layer of suspended solids, was particularly interesting. Visiting such events allows exchanging experiences with colleagues, being always aware of technical novelties and innovations in the field of industry development, asking questions and promptly receiving answers during the conversation, as well as establishing new business contacts.”

As a result of the seminar, representatives of Expert and Technological Council of the Russian Water Association also noted the special importance of such meetings for the professional community in terms of exchanging expert opinions, summarizing engineering experience, and perfecting the regulatory framework.


Conference in Tunisia: Prospects and Problems of the Industry

Representatives of AO Ion Exchange Technologies visited the International Conference “TUNISIA2020” in November. During their visit, delegates from IoT participated in the session “Water Resource Management. The Imperative of Efficiency”, which covered topical issues in the water industry in Tunisia, including problems with water supply and sewage in rural areas and cities, as well as water supply for industrial enterprises. Special attention was paid to membrane installations as an effective method of desalination for obtaining drinking water quality.

Svetlana Petrovna Samsonova,

Deputy CEO of AO Ion Exchange Technologies said:

 Tunisia has great potential and to realize it, we need to find the optimal solution to key problems in the field of water treatment and wastewater treatment. Currently, the water treatment system in Tunisia requires significant modernization, and local companies need qualified specialists. The conference was primarily aimed at attracting experts from various fields to solve practical problems in Tunisia. For IoT, the conference was an opportunity to offer its services and effective solutions to existing problems in the field of wastewater treatment and water treatment, which will allow us to move to a new level of project implementation in the global market.

As a result of the conference, three key meetings were held with the leading companies in Tunisia in the field of water treatment and wastewater treatment. IoT delegates were invited as experts to the operating wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 40,000 cubic meters of water per day. During the meetings, the problems and technologies of the existing wastewater treatment system were discussed, and prospects for cooperation in the implementation of other wastewater treatment projects were determined. A meeting was also held with a company implementing water desalination projects in Tunisia, which resulted in plans and conditions for cooperation in the construction of water desalination plants being outlined.

Representatives of Tunisian companies noted a high interest in Russian technologies, emphasizing the attractiveness of Ion Exchange Technologies for cooperation in projects related to water desalination and wastewater treatment.


International Conference “Tunisia 2020”

Today, on November 29th, a delegation from the Ion Exchange Technologies company arrived in Tunisia to attend the International Conference in support of Tunisia’s economic, social, and sustainable development until 2020.

The conference brings together more than 1000 leaders and heads of governments, presidents of financial institutions, investment funds, as well as heads of major international companies from 70 countries.

Over 140 investment projects aimed at developing Tunisia’s economy will be presented at the conference. Among the main topics of the conference are the rehabilitation, expansion, and strengthening of the sewage network and the National Company of Water Exploitation and Distribution in the discussions of which AO Ion Exchange Technologies will take an active part.

As part of the conference, the main development plan for Tunisia until 2020 will be presented, including the largest projects and reforms that will give impetus to the development of the economy and attract domestic and foreign investments.

The conference is attended by Yuri Anatolyevich Kopytin, Natalya Yuryevna Samsonova, Svetlana Petrovna Samsonova, Elena Mikhailovna Meshcheryakova, and Maria Vladimirovna Moreva.


International Conference “Technologies and Equipment for the Water Industry”

From October 11 to 15, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Technologies and Equipment for the Water Industry” was held in Adler (Sochi). The conference was attended by over 150 water industry specialists from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Germany, Spain, and Denmark. The event was sponsored by AO Ion Exchange Technologies and OOO Grundfos.

For over 20 years, the conference has been one of the leading platforms where specialists from design and operating organizations, equipment manufacturers, engineering companies, representatives of the press, and public organizations meet. The meeting format allows for the presentation of new developments, sharing the results of successfully implemented interesting projects, exchanging experiences, and making new professional acquaintances. This year, over 30 reports on relevant topics were heard at plenary sessions.

During the conference, issues related to the legislative regulation of the industry were discussed. Specialists from the Russian Water Association made two reports. The first one was about the transition to technological normalization based on non-destructive testing in the treatment of urban wastewater, which will begin in 2019. The second report was about the problems of disinvasion of wastewater sludge. A representative of the Expert Technical Council of the Russian Water Association familiarized the audience with the main regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation, regulating issues related to the disinvasion and disinfection of wastewater sludge formed at water supply and sanitation enterprises.

The presentations dedicated to practical aspects of implementing various programs and introducing new technologies at water supply and sanitation facilities aroused the greatest interest among the conference participants. AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented a report (“Reconstruction of Treatment Facilities of an Industrial Enterprise”). A comparative analysis of technological equipment for solving the issue of mechanical treatment of raw sewage and re-treatment of biologically treated water was presented on the example of treatment facilities of a city-forming enterprise.


EcwaTech 2016

From April 26 to April 28, 2016, AO Ion Exchange Technologies traditionally took part in the EcwaTech exhibition “Water: Ecology and Technology”. More than 500 companies from 30 countries around the world participated in the largest industry exhibition in Russia, which is held once every two years.

The Company’s booth attracted great interest from potential customers and partners. A number of promising negotiations were held, as a result of which the Company intends to expand its presence in the market. The Company’s specialists familiarized themselves with new trends in the water treatment and preparation market and exchanged experience with colleagues.

By participating in events of this scale, the Company strives to be seen by customers, suppliers, and partners as a reliable partner, experienced and professional in its field. In addition, the exhibition format provides a platform for technologists and other technical specialists to learn about cutting-edge solutions used in the water preparation and wastewater treatment industry.

The experience accumulated over the years of participation in the exhibition allowed the Company to present its services properly at the main exhibition booth. This year, AO Ion Exchange Technologies emphasized its key advantage – professional competence in providing a full range of services: from initial consulting to direct project implementation with subsequent training and service program. The Company demonstrates an individual approach to each client and reliability in solving unique, complex and innovative tasks.

EcwaTech-2016 vividly reflected serious changes in the market: the main trend today is resource conservation and budget solutions. AO Ion Exchange Technologies, focusing on customer demands, is in this trend and strives to satisfy all the needs of our customers.


Technical Seminar “Import Substitution as a Vector of Development”

On November 3, a technical seminar “Import substitution as a vector of development” was held on the territory of the North wastewater treatment plant in St. Petersburg. The event was organized by GUP Vodokanal St. Petersburg in conjunction with the Russian Water Association. AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part directly in the seminar and in the opening of the first stage of the demonstration-exhibition complex of the Technopark water supply and wastewater cluster in St. Petersburg.

The water cluster will create conditions for accelerating the emergence and development of modern technologies and innovations in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal, and will help to provide cluster enterprises with orders in the long-term. It will fully utilize the advantages of domestic industrial enterprises, construction companies, research and educational institutions.

The UKOV Catalytic Water Treatment System of the IT series is presented as a sample on the exhibition’s outdoor test booth. The work of IT UKOV is based on the biological effect directly on biofouling (separation of biofilm from the surface) and prevention of their subsequent formation. Olga Felixovna Parilova, Deputy General Director for Development of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, gave a presentation on “Ultrafiltration in Drinking Water Supply” at the technical seminar.

The demonstration-exhibition center is a permanent exposition that provides information about the technologies and equipment involved in the main and auxiliary processes of the water supply and wastewater industry.


V Environmental Conference: Environmental Protection and Industrial Activity in the North

The 5th environmental conference on “Environmental Protection and Industrial Activity in the North” took place in Norilsk from September 29 to October 1.

AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the eco-forum, which was organized by GMK Nornickel in their anniversary year and brought together over 80 participants including representatives from government agencies, supervisory authorities, specialized organizations, Russian and foreign companies, and research institutions.

The main topic of the forum was the reform of environmental legislation, as well as the challenges of transitioning to technology standardization based on the best available technologies. The traditional plenary session covered more than twenty reports and presentations on environmental topics, including the unique experience of developing and implementing a system for implementing environmental policies in large corporations with complex environmental conditions, as well as experience in organizing integrated water management systems in mineral processing and metallurgical enterprises.

Representatives of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, Olga Parilova and Elena Selivanova, discussed issues related to the use of the contact illumination method in the purification of production and mine waters.


Wastewater Treatment Plants at Central Okha and Katangli Oilfields (Sakhalin Island)

In late 2013, stormwater treatment facilities in full capacity began operating on Sakhalin Island.

Under the Targeted Environmental Program, wastewater treatment plants with a capacity of 300 m3/hour each were constructed and completed on the Katangli and Central Okha oilfields (Sakhalin Island). These facilities were designed to clean up unorganized discharges of wastewater from the oilfields.

In February 2010, a contract was signed between OOO RN-Sakhalinmorneftegaz and AO Ion Exchange Technologies for the delivery of a technological equipment complex to equip wastewater treatment plants at the Central Okha and Katangli oilfields. The contract required to clean up the Promyslovyy stream, which flows into the Okhinka River, and the stream that flows into the Katangli River, which passes through the oilfields. Natural water bodies were polluted by natural oil seeps, which surface due to the shallow depth of the oil deposits (specifics of the Sakhalin North). Each of the discharges mentioned above contained significant excess amounts of two main pollutants: petroleum products – up to 200 mg/dm3 (with the norm being 0.3 mg/dm3) and suspended solids – up to 200 mg/dm3 (with the norm being 10 mg/dm3).

To meet stringent requirements, a multi-stage sequential cleaning scheme was implemented using mechanical and physico-chemical water treatment methods. The new wastewater treatment plants clean up the Promyslovyy stream and minimize the pollution of the Okhinka River and Urkt Bay to household standards. They also treat the stream that flows into the Katangli River, which passes through the eponymous oilfield in the Nogliki district.

Ensuring environmental safety during hydrocarbon production is not only the subject of close attention and control of all interested parties but also a priority activity direction for AO Ion Exchange Technologies.


Assembly of the Association “Water-Medicine-Ecology”

Representatives of AO “Ion Exchange Technologies” took part in the anniversary meeting of the International Association “Water-Medicine-Ecology” held in Suzdal from July 2 to 4, 2015.

The Association was established in 1995 and unites more than 150 organizations, including 4 academies, research institutes, federal institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, domestic and foreign manufacturers.

On June 3, during the solemn anniversary meeting, AO Ion Exchange Technologies was admitted to the Association. The President of the Association, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Moscow Academy of Sciences and Arts, Yu.A. Rakhmanin, presented the Director General of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, Yu.A. Kopytin, with a Certificate of Membership in the Association.


Conference “Membrane dialogs”, June 26-29, 2015

From June 26-29, 2015, the 19th scientific and practical conference “Membrane dialogs” took place on the banks of the Volga River, near the town of Myshkin.

The theme of the conference was “Promising scientific developments and technological projects in the fundamental, applied, design, and organizational areas of membrane technology.”

Olga Felixovna Parilova, the Director of the Project and Technology Department at AO Ion Exchange Technologies, participated in the conference and gave a presentation entitled “Treatment of industrial wastewater for reuse in high-pressure boiler feedwater.”




Anniversary of AO Ion Exchange Technologies

In 2015, AO Ion Exchange Technologies LLC celebrates its 15th anniversary. Over the years since its creation, the company has not only grown in terms of the number of employees, with more than 120 staff members, but has also firmly established itself as a serious engineering company providing services for water treatment and wastewater purification. It implements the latest domestic and foreign сutting-edge technology from the manufacturers of technological equipment.

In recent years, the company’s management and department heads have paid great attention to improving the qualifications and professional level of employees, as well as selecting and training young specialists who graduate from specialized universities.

The anniversary events for employees and their families were held at one of the best club hotels, the Konakovo River Club, on the banks of the Volga. The good summer weather not only allowed everyone to relax and enjoy the beautiful views of the upper reaches of the Volga, but also to hold sports events – a corporate soccer championship and team competitions in rowing, which caused a lot of positive emotions and impressions among both participants and spectators.

The celebratory events ended with a big festive banquet. According to the traditions established in the company, employees who participated in its formation and development were honored with gifts at the anniversary evening. Awards were presented to the winning teams of the sporting events.



AO Ion Exchange Technologies is carrying out work to modernize the water supply systems of the Nitrogen Complex of OAO PhosAgro-Cherepovets.

The work is being carried out in the cramped conditions of existing buildings, which required the development of an effective equipment layout scheme and measures to strengthen the building structures by framing the columns and installing unloading beams, the carrying capacity of which did not allow the new equipment to be placed at an elevation of +4.800. In addition, installation openings were filled with monolithic concrete using a non-removable formwork.

Currently, the installation of a river water desalination and wastewater treatment system based on membrane technology is underway.




Project Perspective 2014

KSB has announced the results of the first All-Russian design competition “Project Perspective 2014”. The winners were determined by an expert commission during a closed meeting held on November 6, 2014, with the participation of independent experts.

Employees of AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the competition and won in the following categories:

“Project Perspective” in the field of “Water Supply and Sanitation”, nomination “Future”:

2nd place: Asya Mansurovna Azimuratova, Chief Specialist of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, with a score of 4 points.

“Project Perspective” in the field of “Industry”, nomination “Future”:

1st place: Marianna Olegovna Molchanova, Leading Engineer-Technologist of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, with 45 units of high-performance equipment.

3rd place: Oksana Andreevna Budarova, Leading Engineer-Technologist of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, with 20 units of high-performance equipment.

Criteria for evaluating projects and selecting winners:

  • Quality and completeness of the information provided;
  • Originality of the project solution;
  • Total capacity, quantity, and cost of KSB equipment in the project;
  • Implementation period.

In total, 103 projects from all regions of Russia were submitted to the competition from April 15 to September 30, 2014.


International Business Conference “Clean Water & Wastewater”

On September 22, 2014, Executive Director N. Samsonova and Director of the Project and Technology Department O. Parilova participated in the International Business Conference “Clean Water & Wastewater”. The conference focused on European and Russian technological and economic solutions for urban water utilities and industrial enterprises.


Seminar “Application of Ion-Exchange Resins in Industrial Water Treatment”

From September 3rd to 5th, 2014, specialists from AO Ion-Exchange Technologies took part in the scientific and technical seminar “Application of Ion-Exchange Resins in Industrial Water Treatment” hosted by Dow Chemical Company.

The lead engineer-technologist from AO Ion-Exchange Technologies, O. A. Budarova, gave a presentation at the seminar entitled “Treatment of Industrial Wastewater for Reuse in High-Pressure Boiler Feeding.”


VII Conference of Water Utilities of Russia “Systemic Problems of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector and Ways to Solve Them”

Employees of the Ion Exchange Technologies company took part in the VII Conference of water utilities of Russia “Systemic problems of the water supply and sewage industry and ways to solve them”, held in Cheboksary.

As part of the business program of the event, there was a discussion of effective steps to modernize the communal complex of water supply and wastewater treatment, as well as practical issues of implementing industry legislation in the regions of the Russian Federation.

The VII Conference of water utilities of Russia brought together more than 400 people from all regions of Russia. The event was held with the support and participation of the Government of the Chuvash Republic, the Federation Council of Russia, the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, the Federal Agency for water resources of Russia, and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. The work of plenary sessions and round tables was covered by more than 25 media outlets.

At one of the plenary sessions, representatives of the company were presented with a certificate confirming that since 2014, AO Ion Exchange Technologies has been a member of the Russian Water Association.


License for Operation of Nuclear Power Plants

AO Ion Exchange Technologies received a notification from the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) regarding the issuance of a license to AO Ion Exchange Technologies for the operation of nuclear power plants (NP blocks) in terms of carrying out work and providing services to the operating organization for a period of 5 years.


Pilot testing in the Republic of Tatarstan

Tatneft is conducting pilot-industrial tests at a facility to purify water produced along with extra-viscous oil with the aim of generating steam from it.

The obtained water needs to be purified from high levels of hydrogen sulfide, residual petroleum products, and desalinated in hazardous production conditions. There has been no experience in the world practice of implementing such a task. However, the specialists of AO Ion Exchange Technologies company were able to find the optimal technical solution that meets all the customer’s criteria.


A tour of the Urban Sewage Treatment Plant and Centralized Water Treatment Plant

AO Ion Exchange Technologies is a rapidly developing company. To implement our projects and increase our potential, we are constantly recruiting and training young specialists in both technology and design, as well as management and sales.

As part of the professional development of young specialists in the company’s commercial department, on August 14, 2014, a tour was conducted of the City Sewage Treatment Plant of OOO Zvenigorod City Water Company with a capacity of 24,000 m3/day and the Centralized Water Treatment Plant with a capacity of 5,000 m3/day, built by Villagio Estate and serving both already constructed elite settlements and projects in the active construction phase, which are regularly among the best country projects.


“Ion Exchange Technologies” at the “EcwaTech 2014” Exhibition

From June 3 to June 6, 2014, AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented its developments at the leading water forum in Russia – “EcwaTech 2014”, held in Moscow.

Today, among industry professionals, the international forum “ECWATECH” is considered the most significant and in-demand event in the CIS. For several years, AO Ion Exchange Technologies has been an exhibitor at the exhibition and a participant in events held within the framework of the international forum.

The company presented successfully operating technologies and equipment in many industries at the exhibition. A large number of new technological developments in the field of water treatment and sewage treatment were also demonstrated.

As part of the forum’s business program, Ion Exchange Technologies organized and conducted a seminar for industry professionals on “Industrial water treatment and sewage treatment systems with minimized own needs.”


Russia’s Largest Drinking Water Deironing Plant in Kursk

Construction of the second stage of the water deironing plant in Kursk has been completed, increasing its capacity to 90,000 cubic meters per day and making it the largest plant of its kind in Russia. The project, costing more than 680 million rubles, has solved the problem of providing Kursk residents with quality drinking water. Efforts are now focused on the reconstruction and replacement of worn-out main water pipelines to address the existing problem of secondary water pollution.

The Kursk water supply system, which serves more than 430,000 people, includes water intakes, water pipeline pump stations with regulating reservoirs, local booster pump stations, main water pipelines, and branching networks with a diameter of 100-900 mm. Prior to 2011, water was supplied to residents of Kursk according to a schedule. Reconstruction of water pipelines and retrofitting of pump stations with modern equipment have allowed for uninterrupted water supply to the city’s residents.

The total volume of drinking water supplied to the city is about 130,000 cubic meters per day.

Deironing Plant

The three main water intakes that serve as the source of Kursk’s domestic and drinking water supply are the Kievsky, Ryshkovsky, and Shumakovsky. They are artesian wells of two underground aquifers – Senoman-Albian at depths of 30-120 m and Jurassic-Devonian at depths of 100-240 m. Artesian water contains natural impurities in an optimally balanced amount, except for an increased iron content of 4 mg/dm3. This is what necessitated the construction of the deironing plant.

In 2009, construction of the deironing plant began on the site of existing water supply facilities at the Kievsky water intake. The first iteration of the plant, with a capacity of 40,000 cubic meters per day, was put into operation in November 2011.

The plant uses a water deironing technology that employs self-cleaning DynaSand filters with a continuous washing mode.

The following factors were the basis for choosing this technology:

  • Minimal water losses during purification (up to 2%);
  • The filtering element is a natural material – quartz sand of a certain fraction;
  • The filter can be washed without stopping the entire system, which does not reduce the station’s productivity and does not require additional water consumption for washing.

The deironing plant consists of several EC8F-360 units, designed for the purification of water from iron and manganese compounds. Each unit includes eight self-cleaning DynaSand DS5000 filtering modules loaded with quartz sand.

The iron removal process used at the station includes the following stages:

  • Oxidation of divalent iron in the source water to trivalent iron;
  • Purification from trivalent iron compounds on self-cleaning filters;
  • Disinfection of purified water with sodium hypochlorite;
  • Cleaning of filter backwash water on the cleaning block.

During the iron removal process, water extracted from underground sources is fed into the so-called source water chamber, where sodium hypochlorite is added and the water is aerated (saturated) with oxygen from the air, which accelerates the oxidation processes of iron with the formation of flocculent sediment. Then the water is distributed through the filters, where it is purified from sediment and impurities. Further, the purified water is supplied to the clean water tanks through a pipeline system, and then to consumers. The water used for filter backwashing is fed through a pipeline system to the lamella section, where it is purified from iron and impurities, and then returned to the source water chamber. The sediment formed in the lamella section is fed into the sewer system and to the city’s wastewater treatment facilities.

As part of the first phase of the construction of the deironing plant, the following activities were carried out:

  • construction of the deironing plant building with full engineering infrastructure;
  • installation and commissioning of 40 (1/3 of the total number) self-cleaning filters with complete technological connections;
  • partial reconstruction of the main water pipeline from the Kiev water intake to the central part of the city using polyethylene pipelines;
  • improvement of the territory of the deironing plant and the Kiev water intake.

As part of the second iteration of the deironing plant, 88 water filters with a capacity of more than 1000 m3 of purified water per day each were installed, a transformer substation, external engineering networks, and the installation of technological and electrical equipment were completed.

The station uses a compressor unit designed to supply compressed air to the filter modules of the water deironing units. The unit consists of two Atlas Copco ZT45 7.5 ID compressors and two 4 m3 air receivers each.

The EK-P420 wastewater treatment unit is designed to receive and treat wash water, thicken sludge water, and transfer the purified wash water to the inlet chamber of the source water, and the thickened sludge water to the drainage system. The unit consists of five Nordic Water Lamella LP170 lamella separators, a Zickert Z2013 bottom scraper for sludge collection, four electric mixers, wash water and sludge water pumping stations.

The EK R-F unit for preparing and dosing the flocculant solution is designed for preparing the working solution and dosing the flocculant into the flocculation chamber of the wash water treatment unit. The unit consists of an Ultromat AT0 flocculant preparation station and two screw dosing pumps for the flocculant working solution.

The EK R-H unit for receiving, diluting, and dosing the sodium hypochlorite solution is designed for storage, preparation of the working solution, and dosing of sodium hypochlorite into the source (for oxidizing iron II to iron III) and purified water (for disinfection). The unit consists of two sodium hypochlorite receiving tanks, a pump station for receiving, transferring, and diluting sodium hypochlorite, a sodium hypochlorite dosing station for primary chlorination, and a sodium hypochlorite dosing station for secondary chlorination.

With the construction of the second iteration completed, the capacity of the deironing plant has increased to 90,000 m3 of water per day.

The Department of Construction and Investment Programs of the city of Kursk acted as the municipal customer for the construction of the deironing plant, and the technical customer was MKP UKS of the Administration of Kursk. In 2009, the functions of the general contracting organization were performed by MUP Kurskvodokanal, and from 2010 to 2013 – by OOO Kursktekhnostroy. The construction was carried out in accordance with the working project, adjusted by OAO Voronezh Project Institute “Voronezhproekt” and agreed with MUP Kurskvodokanal. The technological component of the project was developed by AO Ion Exchange Technologies (Moscow).

The total cost of the deironing plant construction was about 684 million rubles, of which more than 480 million rubles were the cost of equipment. About 433 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget, 141 million rubles from the regional budget, and more than 110 million rubles from the city budget for the implementation of the project.

The commissioning of the plant allows to bring the quality of drinking water supplied from water intakes to the normative values for the content of iron, manganese, and total hardness, as well as to reduce the level of wear and tear of water supply facilities. The purification of raw water from iron has a value of Ј0.3 mg/dm3. For comparison: the initial water has this indicator of about 1 mg/l. As a result, residents of the Central, Zheleznodorozhny, and part of the Seimskiy administrative districts, which constitute 2/3 of the city’s population, began to receive high-quality drinking water that meets all standards. The rest of the residents of Kursk were and are provided with water from underground aquifers that meet sanitary requirements.

At the same time as the construction of the deironing plant, specialists from the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Kurskvodokanal” worked on solving the problem of secondary water pollution. Pollution occurred as a result of water transportation through pipelines, the service life of which is 30 years or more, which is why this issue has been in the spotlight for the past three years. As a result, more than 20 km of water supply pipelines were built and reconstructed, of which more than 10 km were done in 2013. It is also planned to replace about 22 km. Worn-out steel trunk pipelines are being replaced with polyethylene ones using water-saving locking devices.

In 2014-2015, the implementation of measures to improve the quality of drinking water in Kursk will continue within the framework of the subprogram “Modernization of objects of communal infrastructure” of the federal target program “Housing”.


Exchange of International Experience on Water Treatment

From February 10 to 13, 2014, a delegation from AO Ion Exchange Technologies, together with representatives of the Capital Construction Mangement in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, OOO EnergoStroy and the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Water Utility, visited wastewater treatment plants in Alesund, Molde (Norway) and Stockholm (Sweden) to familiarize themselves with the latest wastewater treatment technologies.



Launch and Commissioning of Deironing Plant in Naro-Fominsk

On December 26, 2013, the ceremonial launch and commissioning of the deironing plant for artesian groundwater with a capacity of 18,000 cubic meters per day took place at the Water Treatment Plant No. 10 in Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Region. The commissioned deironing plant supplies drinking water to three microdistricts of the city: Vostochny, Yuzhny, and Malkov, covering 70% of their total needs.

Despite irregular funding and unfavorable weather conditions during the rainy fall, the entire complex of construction, installation, and commissioning work was completed in a relatively short time – one calendar year. The work was carried out by AO Ion Exchange Technologies as the General Contractor, based on a Municipal Contract signed with the administration of the Naro-Fominsk district. Local organizations in the district such as MUP UKS, SSP and SPMK-35 acted as subcontractors. In addition to the functions of the General Contractor, the Company also provided author and technical supervision of the construction project, and in November 2013, the station provided the first clean drinking water for the residents of Moscow Region.

The implementation of the project involved experienced specialists from the Company, such as Dobrynin S.P. (Deputy General Director for Construction), Kotlyarova R.M. (Head of Production and Technical Department), Romanova T.F. (Head of Design Department), Tresvyatsky M.M. (Head of Commercial Department), Iksanov R.R. (Director of the Project Implementation Department), as well as relatively young but already proven to be highly competent engineers such as Vorobyev V.A. (Engineer-Designer of category 3) and others.




V Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Technologies of Water Treatment and Equipment Protection from Corrosion and Scaling”

The 5th Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Technologies for Water Treatment and Protection of Equipment from Corrosion and Scaling” took place on October 29-30, 2013 at the Expocentre on Krasnaya Presnya in Moscow as part of the 17th International Exhibition “Chemistry-2013”.

The conference aimed to exchange practical experience and discuss current issues in the field of industrial water treatment and equipment protection from corrosion and scaling. Olga Felixovna Parilova, Deputy General Director of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, presented a report on “Selection of reagents for water treatment cycles (WTC) when using WTC aeration as source water for CWT boiler make-up water.


17th International Exhibition “CHEMISTRY-2013”

As part of the 17th International Exhibition “CHEMISTRY-2013”, the V Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Technologies of Water Treatment and Protection of Equipment from Corrosion and Scaling” will be held on October 29-30, 2013.

The conference aims to exchange practical experience and discuss current issues in the field of industrial water treatment and protection of equipment from corrosion and scaling.

The main topics to be covered include:

  • Regulatory and technical support for heat supply in Russia;
  • Overview of modern technologies for stabilizing and anti-corrosion treatment of water in heat networks, recycling systems, and conditioning systems;
  • Application of new generation biocides to prevent biological growth in recycling water systems;
  • Prevention of corrosion in steam condensate paths of steam boilers;
  • Technologies for regeneration of ion exchange resins operating under conditions of high iron content;
  • Technologies for chemical cleaning of heat engineering equipment.

Use of inhibiting and washing compositions in the operation of reverse osmosis water purification plants.


Deironing plant at Kurskvodokanal Municipal Unitary Enterprise

The installation of the second iteration of the deironing plant for drinking water from an underground source at the Kiev water intake of MUP Kurskvodokanal with a total capacity of 90,000 m3/h has been completed.

Currently, specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies are conducting operations to flush, test hydraulic and individual pipelines and equipment at the plant.

Preparations are underway to commission the plant for trial operation.


Seminar on new technical solutions in the field of ultrafiltration

On October 9, 2013, a seminar was held by DOW specialists, Mr. Dolgov and Mr. Marelli, at the office of AO Ion Exchange Technologies to discuss new technical solutions in the field of ultrafiltration. Technical information was presented on new ultrafiltration solutions “Integra”, including modules with a filtering surface area of over 100 m2, and new compact assemblies with a filtering area of up to 1700 m2. In addition, young specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies received additional training on specialized calculation software from DOW.

The seminar was conducted at a high technical level, generating significant interest and leading to interesting technical discussions on various topics related to water treatment, from in-line coagulation to the prospects of using three-layer FSD loading.


The All-Russian Scientific Conference MEMBRANES-2013, October 1-4

Conference organizers:

  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, RAS (INHS RAS)
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research
  • Scientific Council of RAS on Physical Chemistry
  • “Membranes and Membrane Technologies” Section of the D. I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
  • ZAO NTTs Vladipor R&D Center

Specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies were present at the conference.

As part of the conference, a tour of the newly built plant “Russian Membranes Nanotech” was organized. Today, it is the largest and most modern plant for the production of reverse osmosis membrane elements in Europe. The equipment and qualification of the plant’s personnel allows for the production of elements that are competitive on today’s market for this product. Moreover, it is possible to obtain membranes of higher quality in terms of selectivity and productivity than those available from such leaders in this market as DOW, Toray, and Hydranautics.

We hope that this plant will become a worthy manufacturer of components for water treatment and will enable Russian engineering companies to enter the international market of reverse osmosis units with a competitive price.


Participation in Events Dedicated to the Day of Housing and Communal Services Workers

AO Ion Exchange Technologies participated in events dedicated to the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers. On March 14, 2013, festive events dedicated to the industry exhibition of housing and utility services were held at the Government House of Moscow Region. Leading experts of the Company took part in the solemn plenary session, which was attended by top officials of the Government of Russia and Moscow Region, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, and heads of communal and utility services. The delegation of AO Ion Exchange Technologies was headed by the General Director, Yuri Anatolyevich Kopytin. Within the round table discussion “Municipal complex: heat supply, water supply”, the Company’s specialists answered various questions, demonstrating high professionalism in the field of water treatment and chemical water purification for drinking and domestic water supply, and sewage treatment. During the exhibition held as part of the festive events, business meetings were also held between the Company’s Management and leading representatives of HCS organizations and institutions.


News from the Site – Deironing Plant at MUP Kurskvodokanal

The installation of the second launch complex for the deironing and demanganization station of the drinking water from the underground drinking water source at the Kyiv water intake of MUP Kurskvodokanal with a total capacity of 90,000 m3/day is nearing completion.

AO Ion Exchange Technologies performed subcontracting work on technology calculation and design of the sections of this facility, as well as fully supplied the technological equipment and carried out installation works.

Presently, AO Ion Exchange Technologies is conducting commissioning works at the station.

The comprehensive load tests and commissioning of both launch complexes of the deironing plant are planned to begin in early January 2013, as scheduled.


III Intersectoral Conference “Water in Industry – 2012”

On October 30-31, 2012, the Third Intersectoral Conference “Water in Industry – 2012” was held at the Izmailovo Hotel in Moscow. The conference was dedicated to demonstrating modern water treatment equipment, filtration technologies, settling, ultraviolet, absorption, ozonation, deep oxidation, nanotechnologies, automation of water supply systems, water quality control devices, pumps and valves, the latest solutions for water treatment, water preparation, water supply, and wastewater treatment in the energy, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering, cement, chemical, pulp and paper, oil and gas, and other industries.

AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the conference and exhibition held within the framework of the conference.

On the first day of the conference, a report “Choosing a scheme for treating surface waters depending on the requirements for desalinated water” was presented by Irina Georgievna Ustimova, Leading Technologist at AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

On the second day of the conference, AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented a report on “Optimization of solutions for water use at industrial enterprises.” The report was presented by Georgy Sergeevich Rudych, an engineer-technologist.


AO Ion Exchange Technologies and Pentair Water Process Technology Holding BV

From October 16 to 19, 2012, AO Ion Exchange Technologies and Pentair Water Process Technology Holding BV held a seminar entitled “The Use of Ultrafiltration Membranes and Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) in Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment Systems for Oil Refining and Chemical Plants. Creating Closed Water Circulation Systems. Latest Technologies for Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment.” The event took place at the “Forest Tropicana” hotel, located in the suburbs of Moscow. More than 40 specialists from various companies attended the seminar, including Samara Neftemkhimproekt, NAK Azot, EuroChem, Syzran Refinery, OAO Novokuibyshevsk Refinery, OOO RN-Tuapsinsky Refinery, OAO YaNPZ, OOO Ilsky Refinery, OAO Orsknefteorgsintez, OAO Tatneft, TATNIPIneft Institute, OOO Stavrolen, Lukoil Neftokhim, OAO Lukoil-Western Siberia, OAO Angarsk Polymer Plant, RN-UfaniPIneft, OOO ZPK Kristall (Polycrystalline Silicon Plant), OAO SIBUR-Holding, OOO Sibur-Kstovo, MUP Water Utility of Podolsk, and OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel.

During the seminar, specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies and Pentair Water Process Technology Holding BV discussed the following topics:

  • Ultrafiltration technologies for water treatment and wastewater discharge at industrial plants;
  • X-Flow membrane products for water treatment;
  • MBR technologies for oil refining plants;
  • Key processes of Cross Flow technology;
  • Airlift MBR technology;
  • Comparative analysis of different biological treatment systems, and a comprehensive approach based on energy-saving technologies in the construction of treatment facilities.

The peaceful atmosphere of the suburban hotel allowed specialists from related fields to not only gain new knowledge and information but also to communicate in a friendly and informal environment. They had the opportunity to ask questions, share their experiences, and discuss pressing issues. The 3-day event concluded with a friendly gala dinner, entertainment program, and cutting of a large celebratory cake by representatives of partner companies.


Reviewing Experience of Foreign Colleagues in Water Treatment in Portugal

AO Ion Exchange Technologies in collaboration with partner companies organized a business trip for employees of OAO TKG-16, Kazan, with the aim of familiarizing themselves with the work of large water treatment plants in Portugal. During the trip, the group of specialists visited two companies in Portugal:

  • The Portucel Soporcel Group/Setubal Industrial Complex plant, which operates modern equipment using the UPCORE technology: N-ON-FSD.
  • The “Aguas do Douro e Paiva SA (ADDP)” plant in Oporto, Portugal, which uses multimedia filter technology.

The result of the trip was familiarization with new technological equipment and communication with equipment operating personnel.




Annual Conference of Water Utilities in Russia took place on September 12-16, 2012

The conference was organized by the Russian Association of Water Supply and Water Disposal with the support of the Administration of Primorsky Krai and the Primorsky Water Utility and was held in Vladivostok.

AO Ion Exchange Technologies is a regular participant in the events held by the Russian Water Association.

The conference discussed the legislative framework for regulating the industry, issues related to attracting investment in the industry, tariff formation, modernization, and energy efficiency of water supply and sanitation facilities. The best available technologies for water supply and sanitation companies were presented at the conference.

The event took the form of presentations and roundtable discussions, expert speeches, sharing of experiences, free discussion, and visits to water supply facilities, as well as informal communication.

As a result of the event, decisions were made on cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development. A resolution was adopted at the end of the event.


A Seminar on Nuclear Issues in Abramtsevo

From May 17th to 20th, 2011, a seminar dedicated to the development of nuclear energy in Russia was held in Abramtsevo, Moscow region.

The seminar was attended by organizations such as the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operation (VNIIAES), ROSATOM, Dow Water and Process Solutions, as well as heads of chemical departments at Russian nuclear power plants and specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

During the seminars, the use of membrane technologies and ion exchange resins for industrial water treatment was actively discussed, including their selection, properties, and service life.


Participation in the All-Russian Congress of Water Utilities

AO Ion Exchange Technologies, represented by the General Director Yuri Anatolyevich Kopytin, took part in the All-Russian Congress of Water Utilities. The exhibition was held from April 11 to 14, 2011 in the city of Sochi. The congress discussed modern technologies and solutions for water supply and sanitation enterprises. The products of international suppliers of equipment, materials and services for organizations in the water supply and sanitation sector were presented at the hotel complex “Zhemchuzhina”.


Participation in the 2nd International Conference “St. Petersburg – Marine Capital of Russia”

Representatives of AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the 2nd International Conference “St. Petersburg – the marine capital of Russia. Ecology” on March 17-18, 2011, a project of the “United Russia” party. The main task of the conference was to develop measures to solve the problems of water resource ecology: the ecological state of seas and rivers, state water control, transboundary cooperation, wastewater treatment, port ecology, environmental literacy of state and commercial organizations of the transport and industrial complex. Numerous reports were presented during the conference. The representatives of AO Ion Exchange Technologies paid special attention to the topic “Ecology of inland water resources. Modernization of the wastewater treatment process”. Our specialists also participated in a seminar-discussion “Environmental activities of Russian business: from eco-policy to best practices”.


Preparation of Project Documentation Underway

On December 29, 2010, based on the decision of the council of NP SRO Energy Project, AO Ion Exchange Technologies, which is a member of this organization, received a certificate of admission to perform work on the preparation of project documentation affecting the safety of capital construction projects, including particularly hazardous, technically complex, and unique objects. The list of work includes the preparation of projects for internal and external engineering systems for water supply and sanitation, the preparation of technological solutions for treatment facilities and their complexes, and the preparation of projects for internal dispatching, automation, and management systems for engineering systems, among other things.


Certificate of Admission to Perform Construction and Installation Work

On December 16th, 2010, based on a decision by the Council of the NP SRO EnergoStroy, AO Ion Exchange Technologies, a member of this organization, received a certificate of admission to carry out construction and installation works affecting the safety of capital construction objects, including particularly hazardous, technically complex and unique objects. The list of works includes pile driving, installation of metal structures and concrete blocks, work with internal and external engineering systems of water supply and sewage, and work on the installation of external electrical networks.


GOST R ISO 9001:2008 Certification

On August 6, 2010, AO Ion Exchange Technologies received a certificate of conformity to the GOST R ISO 9001:2008 standard regarding its quality management system. The certification applies to design, supply of materials and equipment, general contracting functions in the design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning of water treatment systems and wastewater treatment plants for fuel and energy complex enterprises, boiler rooms, industrial enterprises, and housing and utility services.


ISO 9001:2008 Certification

On June 28, 2010, AO Ion Exchange Technologies received a certificate of conformity for its quality management system, which meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard, in relation to design, supply of materials and equipment, implementation of general contractor functions during design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning of water treatment and sewage treatment systems for fuel and energy complex enterprises, boiler plants, industrial enterprises, and housing and utility services enterprises.


AO Ion Exchange Technologies at EcwaTech-2010 exhibition

EcwaTech-2010 is one of the traditional exhibitions where Ion Exchange Technologies showcased their new developments in the field of wastewater treatment and water treatment at their booth. The distinctive feature of the presented exposition was a wide range of services provided. At EcwaTech-2010, the company’s specialists presented implemented projects using technologies such as:

  • Ultrafiltration at Balakovsky Mineral Fertilizers in Saratov region;
  • Non-pressure deironing plants in Shchyokino, Tula region;
  • Ion exchange operating in countercurrent in Cherepovets, Vologda region;
  • Disposal of cutting fluids at the Vyksunsky Metallurgical Plant in Nizhny Novgorod region;
  • Waste-free technology for wastewater treatment in electroplating production in Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk region;
  • Reverse osmosis at the Yartsevsky Cast and Roll Plant in the Smolensk region.

In addition, at EcwaTech-2010, technical specialists of the company traditionally provided technical consultations and recommendations on equipment selection based on previously received questionnaires and provided initial data.


Ion Exchange Technologies Accepted into SRO EnergoProject

At the latest meeting of the Council of NP EnergoProject, it was decided to accept the AO Ion Exchange Technologies into SRO “EnergoProject”.

The list of types of work that affect the safety of capital construction facilities, and the decision on issuing admission certificates for which is assigned by the general meeting of members of the self-regulating organization to the sphere of activity of the self-regulating organization, includes work:

  • on preparation of information on engineering equipment
  • on engineering and technical support networks
  • list of engineering and technical measures
  • on the maintenance of technological solutions

Water Treatment Installation: Combination of Ultrafiltration and Counterflow (ion exchange) Proves Perfect for Volga Water

The reconstruction project of the CWT-2 water treatment plant has been completed at Balakovsky Mineral Fertilizers. The choice of the water treatment installation technology was based on the results of pilot tests, which allowed to refine the operational modes and justify the equipment selection.


Installation of a Deironing Plant in Terbuny, Lipetsk Region

A water pressure type deironing plant with a capacity of 12.5 m3/h has been installed in Terbuny, Lipetsk region. The deironing plant is designed to provide drinking water to the population and consists of a block of Crystal N filter modules in full factory readiness, a block of ultraviolet disinfection, and a pipeline network.


Ion Exchange Technologies in Krasnoyarsk

Krasnoyarsk communal services: from the design task, pump selection, iron removal, ion exchange resins (cation and anion) and ultrafiltration to the commissioning of the water treatment facilities – these are the classic steps in implementing the project for the construction of treatment plants, presented by the specialists of AO Ion Exchange Technologies at the Tenth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Energy Efficiency of City Life Support Systems”, held on November 25-26, 2009 in Krasnoyarsk.

The conference covered the prospects for the development of the housing and communal complex of the region, promising directions in the development of energy-efficient technologies for heating, electricity and water supply of the city.

In her report, leading specialist in water treatment installations and dosing equipment, Svetlana Petrovna Samsonova, highlighted the company’s capabilities in implementing projects for the construction of treatment plants from the design task to the commissioning, arousing the interest of Krasnoyarsk housing and utility services specialists.

It was shown that there are no small details: the choice of pump, deironing technology, brand of ion exchange resins – both cation and anion, ultrafiltration membranes – all affect the quality and cost of implemented projects.

During the conference, sections were devoted to the city’s heat and power complex, electrical complex, development paths and water supply, wastewater and operation of residential buildings, where Krasnoyarsk communal services specialists could exchange experience with invited professionals.

The need for competent drafting of the design task was also discussed by specialists from the Siberian Federal University when modeling building engineering systems. As the engineers of Aqua Engineering Company were correct to point out, the choice of pump primarily affects the cost of construction and operation of sewage pump stations. And for the creation of a water treatment plant, it is necessary to choose the technology correctly, whether it is a simple deironing plant or a complex system of desalination using ultrafiltration and ion exchange resins.


Ion Exchange Technologies at Irkutskenergo

A discussion of various water treatment technologies, including water-chemical regimes,  countercurrent at water treatment installations, membrane filtration, ultrafiltration, and ion exchange (including the use of cation and anion exchange resins), took place at a seminar held by the Chemical Department of Irkutskenergo. The seminar was held at the Zvezdny holiday resort near Angarsk, which allowed for a large number of specialists to be invited.

While representatives of Irkutskenergo mainly discussed their use of water-chemical regimes, invited participants presented new membrane technologies, particularly ultrafiltration and counter-current ion exchange technology, and the advantages of cation and anion exchange resins from various manufacturers.

Representatives of AO Ion Exchange Technologies spoke on the topic of “Ensuring the Reliability of Water Treatment Installations, Water-Chemical Regimes (WHR), and Chemical Control” at the seminar.

The features and nuances of counter-current ion exchange and ultrafiltration technologies were presented to Irkutskenergo specialists in messages such as “Counter-Current Technology, Reconstruction and Operation Experience” and “Membrane Water Treatment Methods: Pros and Cons,” as well as the use of ion exchange resins (cation and anion exchange) and membranes from various manufacturers in the construction of chemical water treatment plants workshops.


Conference on Water Treatment at Chemistry 2009

Water deironing system. The deironing of groundwater is one of the tasks of water treatment, which, if not solved, makes it impossible to achieve stable operation of equipment and ion exchange resins. That is why specialists from the company participated in the 3rd conference “Modern technologies for water treatment and protection of equipment from corrosion and scale formation”, held by OOO NPF Travers as part of the “Chemistry – 2009″exhibition , specifically on the topic of deironing of groundwater.


Deputy General Director of AO Ion Exchange Technologies Sabodin Sergey Sergeevich gave a presentation on the topic of “Modern reagent-free technology for deironing of groundwater. The role of the biological component.”

The presentation covered the main principles of the engineering company in solving water purification tasks and presented the advantages of the technologies used. It was shown how, by using modern developments, it is possible to solve such a standard task as choosing a deironing system for groundwater, while taking into account the role of the biological component and without using any reagents.


Water Treatment Project Presented at the MosvodokanalNIIPROEKT Conference

The technological design of water treatment plant workshops using 3D modeling software was presented by specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies at the scientific-practical conference “Designing life support systems for modern cities” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the MosvodokanalNIIPROEKT institute.

Our specialists gave a presentation on the modern technology of water treatment design used by AO Ion Exchange Technologies. The software used has built-in data management tools and a wide range of integrated applications for engineering analysis and production preparation, which allows for the highest quality water treatment project within limited time.

As one of the tasks solved in the market of treatment facilities is the implementation of project cost estimates within limited time with high quality, the principles of water treatment design used by the company are of unquestionable interest to industry professionals.

The combination of AO Ion Exchange Technologies as equipment developer and water treatment project contractor allows for parallel construction and equipment delivery, which significantly (1.5-2 times) reduces the time for commissioning facilities.


Matter of Cutting Fluid Disposal Raised at the “Industrial Ecology and Safety” Conference in Kazan

The use of membrane methods for the disposal of cutting fluid (coolant), which are only beginning to be applied in coolant cleaning, is of interest primarily due to the absence of large amounts of reagents. The paper presented at the IV Interregional Conference “Industrial Ecology and Safety” in Kazan, summarizes the results of scientific research conducted by Batyrshin R.T., Shaikhiev I.G., and Osipov P.O. from KAMAZ JSC, Naberezhnye Chelny; Kazan State Technological University, Kazan; and AO Ion Exchange Technologies, Moscow, respectively.

The title of the work, “Study of Coolant Treatment (Cutting Fluid Wate) by Membrane Methods,” speaks for itself – membranes have all the advantages not only for use in water treatment processes but also for specific tasks such as coolant disposal. Among the variety of methods for coolant treatment and coolant disposal technologies, reagent methods are traditionally used for the decomposition and further disposal of coolant oils.

However, if we take into account the resulting waste, the cost of its disposal, then waste-free technologies will always be unbeatable when choosing coolant disposal systems. This is the idea that the authors of the paper tried to convey to the conference participants.


Recycling Water Supply System Presented as part of Scientific and Technical Cooperation Program of ChTPZ

The recycling water system, which is proposed as an integral part of wastewater treatment based on membrane technologies, has been presented as part of Scientific and Technical Cooperation Program of ChTPZ (Chelyabinsk).

AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Program of OAO ChTPZ, where the leading specialist in wastewater treatment, Pavel Olegovich Osipov, presented a complex of technological solutions for creating a recycling water system.

Presently, up to 95% of the water used by most metallurgical enterprises in Europe is recycled. In Russia, the creation of a recycling water system is more of an exception than the rule due to the low price of consumption water and discharged wastewater.

Being one of the industry leaders, ChTPZ undoubtedly sets an example for other enterprises by implementing the most advanced water and wastewater treatment technologies.

To obtain an estimate of the possibility and cost of building treatment facilities that return purified water to the enterprise’s circulation (recycling water system), all the enterprise needs to do is fill out a questionnaire.


Installation of Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Paint Production at Severstal Elabuga Completed

Technical specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies have completed the installation of wastewater treatment facilities for the galvanic production of “Severstal Auto” (Elabuga) in the Republic of Tatarstan.


Water Deironing Plant Presented at Conference in Lotoshino

On January 27, 2009, a conference entitled “Challenges and Prospects for the Development of Housing Construction in the Lotoshino Municipal District” was held in the conference hall of the administration of Lotoshino district in Moscow region. Representatives of AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented a brief report on modern technologies in the field of housing and communal services, specifically on drinking water supply and groundwater treatment.

Currently, reducing operational costs, primarily electricity and labor expenses, is a priority in the housing and utility services sector.

Therefore, a fully automated water deironing plant, which can be serviced by existing fitters and electricians, is of unquestionable interest to the administrations of rural settlements.

The water deironing plant allows the quality of underground fresh water with high concentrations of dissolved iron and manganese compounds to be brought to the standards for drinking water (SanPin

The proposed water deironing plant consists of pressure filters, which use a simple technological scheme for deironing water – a simplified aeration method followed by filtration.

The proposed water deironing plant has a service life of at least 30 years.


Mosoblgosexpertiza Issues Positive Conclusion on Deironing Plant for Naro-Fominsk

The construction project for the deironing plant, carried out by AO Ion Exchange Technologies based on the resolution of the head of the Naro-Fominsky municipal district of Moscow region, has received a positive conclusion from Mosoblgosexpertiza.

The project involves the construction of an automated modular iron removal unit “Crystal-B”, sludge sites, and absorbent filter beds for existing water tanks. The water deironing plant will be able to provide high-quality drinking water to several sites of future construction in the North and West districts of Naro-Fominsk.

To ensure the required water quality while minimizing costs per cubic meter of prepared water and addressing energy and resource conservation issues, a non-reagent non-pressure iron removal technology was chosen, which has successfully proven itself in the Republic of Belarus, Smolensk, and Tula regions.

The technology is based on a simplified aeration method implemented in a two-stage scheme, involving the oxidation of iron by oxygen from the air in a bioreactor and subsequent filtration on floating bed filters, the service life of which is at least 15 years.

We draw the attention of the chief design engineers that you can obtain a copy of the positive conclusion by including the non-pressure Crystal-B water deironing plant equipment in the reference to the standard project and sending a request to our address.


Modern Wastewater Treatment Facilities Showcased at Scientific and Technological Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Housing and Utility Services of Moscow

Deironing, water softening, and advanced wastewater treatment technologies were presented at a meeting of the scientific and technical council of the Ministry of Housing and Utility Services of Moscow Region on the topic of “The use of modern technologies for deironing plants and wastewater treatment methods at water supply and wastewater facilities in Moscow Region”.

The main technologist of AO Ion Exchange Technologies Nikolay Kireev and the head of the department, Mikhail Tresvyatskiy, were the speakers from AO Ion Exchange Technologies.

In his report, Nikolay Kireev highlighted modern wastewater treatment technologies that are currently used in wastewater treatment plants in Moscow Region, their advantages, and disadvantages. Deironing and water softening, using examples of a fully automated non-pressure iron removal system operating at a water intake in the city of Smolensk and a softening station operating in the city of Murom, were presented by Mikhail Tresvyatskiy. The low energy consumption of these systems is their distinctive feature.

Currently, high demands are placed on housing and utility services enterprises not only in terms of the quality of service to the population but also in terms of reducing operating costs. That is why wastewater treatment systems that do not require constant presence of personnel and are characterized by low energy consumption are of great interest to water treatment specialists.


Non-Pressurized Deironing Plant in Shchyokino

The launch of the Crystal B non-pressurized deironing plant, commissioned by AO Ion Exchange Technologies to the Vitebsk enterprise UP “Polymerkonstruktsiya,” has taken place in the city of Shchyokino.


Ion Exchange Technologies at EcwaTech-2008

Ultrafiltration, desalination, reverse osmosis, water softening, deironing, and wastewater treatment for galvanic production are just a partial list of water treatment technologies presented by specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies at the EcwaTech-2008 exhibition.

From June 3rd to June 6th, 2008, Moscow hosted the 8th international exhibition-congress “Water: Ecology and Technology” ECWATECH-2008. During the event, AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented ultrafiltration, desalination, reverse osmosis, water softening, and deironing installations, as well as new developments in water treatment and purification technology. They also showcased their wastewater treatment systems, including new developments in water treatment and wastewater treatment, and in particular, wastewater treatment for galvanic production, which is considered one of the most challenging to purify.

Representatives from the energy industry were most interested in the ADI counter-current ion exchange desalination module units, as well as reverse osmosis units.

At the booth, industrial enterprise employees were able to receive necessary consultations on the creation of closed-loop cycles as exemplified by the company’s implemented projects for wastewater treatment in galvanic production.

Iron removal sparked lively interest from technologists and water utility directors, who were presented with containerized deironing units and block-module units for household wastewater treatment.

Ultrafiltration is currently developing at a rapid pace, making it competitive in virtually all areas of water purification. Membrane methods in water treatment and purification are currently the most popular.

The advantage of AO Ion Exchange Technologies, which immediately attracted booth visitors’ attention, is the ability to perform any work related to water treatment and wastewater treatment, from pre-project work and design to construction and commissioning. Additionally, the company’s engineers’ rich experience and strong connections with leading global component manufacturers for water treatment installations and wastewater treatment enable the combination of various water treatment methods to achieve the optimal price/quality ratio for the customer.


Inspection of Wastewater Treatment Facilities at the Discharge Site of the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant

Specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies conducted an inspection of existing industrial stormwater treatment facilities at the wastewater discharge site of the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant in the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region, to determine the optimal scheme for treating wastewater from oil products and suspended solids.

The inspection of existing wastewater treatment facilities is an integral part of the work performed by technical specialists of the company before approving the TOR for the design and construction of a complex for treating oil-containing stormwater.

The task of treating wastewater from industrial oil products is usually solved comprehensively, with the determination of the possibility and feasibility of returning purified water to the company’s circulation and disposal of the sludge from treatment facilities in mechanical dewatering shops.

One can fill out an order form to obtain consultations from technologists on the selection of equipment for wastewater treatment facilities of enterprises or the development of a technology for treating wastewater from oil products.


AO Ion Exchange Technologies at exhibition “New Advanced Technologies in Housing and Utilities of Moscow Region

At the International Specialized Exhibition “Advanced Technologies and Equipment in Housing and Utilities of Moscow Region,” which took place from March 11 to 13, 2008, at the Crocus Expo Exhibition Center, AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented modern technologies for wastewater treatment, new developments in water treatment, preparation of drinking water, and disposal of sludge from treatment facilities.

Visitors were particularly interested in the technologies of biological wastewater treatment using membrane bioreactors, which allow significant reduction in the size of the construction site. This is an undeniable advantage of this technology over traditional ones, especially considering the high demand for land in Moscow Region.

The non-pressure deironing plants “Crystal B” and containerized deironing plants “Crystal NK”, produced by the Vitebsk enterprise UP “Polimerkonstruktsiya”, whose general dealer in the territory of the Russian Federation is AO Ion Exchange Technologies, attracted representatives of water utilities with their low energy consumption. The exhibition also featured a new line of equipment from this enterprise in the technology of domestic wastewater treatment – block-modular units for the treatment of domestic wastewater.

The exhibition was dedicated to the professional holiday – the Day of the Housing and Utilities Worker and had an official yet festive feel to it.


III International Environmental Conference “Environmental Protection and Industrial Activity in the North”

From September 11th to 14th, 2012, AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the III International Environmental Conference “Environmental Protection and Industrial Activity in the North” in Norilsk. The conference was held as part of a program to significantly reduce the impact of activities by Norilsk Nickel on the environment.

On the eve of the conference, a “Seeding in Norilsk” campaign was held for tree planting. Participants were given the opportunity to make a personal contribution to greening and improving the appearance of Norilsk by planting 100 willow trees in Komsomolsky Park. They were also given the opportunity to visit the production facilities of the Polar Division, where environmental protection measures are implemented, and to learn about the ecological aspects of nature conservation activities of mining and metallurgical enterprises.

During the conference, the prospects for improving the environmental situation in Norilsk, ecological restoration of technogenically transformed northern territories, innovative technologies, solutions, and environmentally oriented equipment for industrial enterprises in the mining and metallurgical complex, modern methods for treating wastewater, waste management, and other current topics were discussed.

AO Ion Exchange Technologies presented a report on “Using Membrane Methods for Mine Water Treatment”, which described the use of the latest equipment and modern solutions in this area, based on the company’s practical experience in studying the characteristics and properties of mine water and conducting pilot tests of equipment at operating enterprises.

Concluding the environmental conference, participants unanimously declared their desire to regularly hold similar meetings and expressed their readiness to discuss and offer their solutions on nature conservation issues, including those related to the conditions of the Far North.


Rosatom Corporation Youth Forum “FORSAZH-2012”

From July 8 to 14, 2012, the State Corporation “Rosatom”, together with the International Association of Corporate Education (MAKO), the “Information Center for Nuclear Energy”, and the “International Association of Young Atomists”, held the second Youth Innovation Forum “Forsazh-2012”, which was attended by over 400 talented young specialists working in the fuel and energy sector of the industry.

Specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the exhibition “Smart Solutions Boutique”, which was held on July 12, 2012, as part of the Forum.

Participation in the exhibition provided a unique opportunity to present their products, services, technologies, and latest developments to leaders and specialists of enterprises in the nuclear, energy, and oil industries of the Russian industry.

The company’s employees offered technological solutions for water purification to solve cases on energy security and energy efficiency.

As part of the forum, our specialists discussed new technologies and current and completed projects of the company for the nuclear industry with specialists from nuclear power plants in various regions of Russia, which not only allowed us to present the company but also to hear the problems and tasks that arise at nuclear power plants regarding water purification and preparation.


Comparison of Purification Technologies used in Water Treatment Plants

Thesis of the report “Comparison of purification technologies used in surface water sources for water supply preparation”. Currently, there are 10 operating nuclear power plants in the territory of the Russian Federation, with 33 energy blocks in operation and 4 nuclear power plants under construction. Deeply purified water is used as a coolant in nuclear power plants and is constantly supplied to the steam generator circuit to compensate for internal losses. Typically, these losses account for 0.5-1% of total steam production.

The quality of reactor and feed water is a critical issue when it comes to the safety of power equipment, as one of the criteria for ensuring safety and economic efficiency of power equipment in nuclear power plants is the use of measures to minimize deposition and corrosion processes. Water coolant contamination occurs as a result of

  • unsatisfactory quality of make-up water,
  • cooling water leaks,
  • corrosion of structural materials,
  • leaks in fuel elements and radiolytic-chemical reactions in the coolant.

Strict quality requirements are imposed on the water coolant for single-circuit and dual-circuit nuclear power plants. For example, the presence of deposits on fuel rods in the first circuit leads to overheating and emergency destruction of fuel rod claddings, and consequently, activation of the coolant and steam. Various coolant purification installations are used in existing and planned stations, such as make-up water treatment plants, second circuit water treatment plants, first circuit water treatment plants, and condensate treatment plants. Solutions for equipping water treatment plants have undergone changes compared to the solutions that were implemented by design institutes during the existence of the USSR. The diversity of purification methods and the lack of adequate and reliable information about the equipment make it difficult to effectively compare these methods. Different stations use different purification schemes for preparing additional water, which can be divided into stages: pre-treatment and desalination. Two- and three-stage desalination schemes using ion exchange and membrane technologies are used for desalination. Each purification method has its own advantages and disadvantages that need to be identified. For example, if there is a need to obtain deeply desalinated water, the question arises as to whether it is better to use electrodeionization or mixed bed filters. If it is a new construction and there are two stages of reverse osmosis installation before final desalination, then the most optimal solution would be to use electrodeionization, as the installation of mixed bed filters would require areas and equipment for reagent management. If the question of final purification arises in an existing enterprise where ion exchange filters are already in place and the reconstruction budget is not large, then the installation of a new mixed bed filter would be the optimal solution.

The choice of pre-treatment scheme is also determined by the choice of desalination scheme. If a counter-current ion exchange installation is chosen for desalination, then it is necessary to minimize the amount of suspended matter entering the ion exchange loading. A low content of suspended matter in the clarified water can be achieved by using multi-layer loads or ultrafiltration installations.

It should be noted that when solving the problem of obtaining desalinated water, individual features of the enterprise must also be taken into account, and an analysis of costs for wastewater discharge, water supply, and other factors must be conducted. The high cost of source water and wastewater discharge can be a determining factor in choosing ion exchange installations over reverse osmosis installations.


AO Ion Exchange Technologies at the EcwaTech 2012 Exhibition

Today, the EcwaTech is considered the most significant and in-demand event among industry professionals in the CIS. For several years now, AO Ion Exchange Technologies has been an exhibitor and participant in events within the framework of the international forum.

The company presented at the exhibition successfully working technologies and equipment in many industries. A large number of new technological developments in the field of water treatment and wastewater treatment were also demonstrated.

AO “Ion Exchange Technologies” presented at the exhibition the method of water filtration on an endless filtered belt with a unit for its regeneration by compressed air and an integrated screw dehydrator of the separated sludge. This method has gained wide recognition as the first stage of wastewater treatment for food, textile, paper, fat-and-oil, and oil refining industries, as well as in industrial water treatment systems for water supply systems.

AO “Ion Exchange Technologies” presented a new water disinfection technology, Mol-Klin, at the exhibition, which is used in the circulation cycles of industrial enterprises, in the production of highly purified water, in granulation in polymer production, in swimming pools, and in air conditioning equipment. The method is based on the use of a catalyst made of a specialized alloy consisting of a metallic component and a liquid reagent based on hydrogen peroxide.

We are satisfied with the results of the exhibition and, in particular, the opportunity to demonstrate to wastewater treatment sector specialists new technological solutions, inform them about improvements, as well as new acquaintances and agreements that were reached during the exhibition.


Construction of New Underground Water Intake Starts in Pskov

On June 27, 2012, construction of an underground water intake began in the village of Kotovo, on the Vaulinogorsk highway, in Pskov region.

The project is taking place in the village of Kotovo, on the Vaulinogorskoe Highway, in Pskov region. This event marks another step in the construction of the underground water intake in Pskov, as outlined in the agreement signed on October 21, 2011. By December 2013, the water intake will provide Pskov with clean water.

Acting as the general contractor for the design and construction of the water intake and water treatment facilities, AOIon Exchange Technologies has completed the design and survey work and has now begun construction.

The Governor of Pskov Region, Andrey Turchak, visited the site and reminded everyone that the construction of the water intake has been two years in the making, preceded by survey and design work, as well as work on the reconstruction of the water supply system. The construction site, covering an area of 2.5 hectares, will house water treatment facilities, as well as the so-called wellfield, which will consist of seven main and two additional wells, each 150 and 180 meters deep, providing the city with 42,000 cubic meters of water per day. The water will be delivered through two pipelines located on Leon Pozemsky Street and near the Alexander Nevsky Bridge. The director of the Pskov Water Supply Company, Igor Maximov, stated that the water in the area of the underground water intake construction is of very good quality, but there is an excess of iron content, which will require treatment at a special station to be built on-site. The water will be purified using special sand filters, which are the best technologies available today.

“Starting big things in the rain is good,” said Igor Maximov. “Godspeed!” wished Andrey Turchak. After these words, the excavator scooped the first bit of earth, thus laying the foundation for construction.


Nizhny Novgorod Atomic Engineering Fair

From June 11th to June 14th, the exhibition-forum “Nizhny Novgorod Fair of Nuclear Engineering” was held in Nizhny Novgorod, where AO Ion Exchange Technologies took an active part, exhibiting with an individual stand and presenting a report on “Comparison of purification technologies used in water treatment plants for the purification of surface water sources in water supply”.

You can learn about the main theses of the report by following the link. 67 enterprises and organizations from 20 regions of Russia and 7 foreign countries participated in the fair. Traditionally, competitions were held for the purchase of equipment for the construction of nuclear power plant units as part of the fair.

The fair allowed participants not only to monitor the latest developments in the field of nuclear energy and conclude new contracts, but also to develop cooperation with scientific and industrial associations and universities.


FIP International Workshop 2011 Seminar

The CEO and Executive Director of AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the IV annual seminar of FIP International Workshop 2011. The event took place from October 13th to 16th in Sorrento and was devoted to the progress in the development of fittings and flotation devices. The seminar showcased and discussed new models of fittings made of thermoplastic materials.


Certificate of Admission to Work on Especially Dangerous Objects

AO Ion Exchange Technologies has received a new certificate of admission to work that affects the safety of capital construction projects.

The new certificate expands the types of work. AO Ion Exchange Technologies is now authorized to carry out construction work on particularly hazardous objects (excluding nuclear power facilities), and general contracting for water supply and sewerage facilities on particularly hazardous objects (excluding nuclear power facilities), with the cost of a single contract of RUB 500 M.



Leading specialists from AO Ion Exchange Technologies visited the AQUATECH AMSTERDAM 2011 international exhibition on water resource usage from November 1st to 4th, 2011. The exhibition showcased world leaders in water treatment equipment, wastewater treatment, ultrafiltration, and reverse osmosis. The latest technologies and trends in water treatment for the upcoming years were presented and discussed during the exhibition.


Participation in Round Table at HVAC Expo

Employees of AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the multi-industry exhibition-forum “Heating, Water Supply, Ventilation and Sewerage”, which was held from September 27 to 29, 2011, at the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center. In total, about 50 enterprises took part in the exhibition over three days, and more than 1.5 thousand people visited.

Our employees also took part in a round table discussion on the implementation of the state program “Clean Water”. The Chairman of the Board of the NP Russian Water Society Alexander Pavlovich Katkov spoke with a report on “The Federal Target Program “Clean Water” and the Formation of State Policy in the Water Sphere”. Representatives of the subjects of the Russian Federation, representatives of regional structures of housing and communal services, development of public infrastructure and urban planning, enterprises and industries of the Russian Federation, which have experience in implementing the target program “Clean Water”, were invited to participate in the round table.


Opening of a Research Center in Tarragona

The CEO of AO Ion Exchange Technologies took part in the opening of the Dow Chemical Inc. water technology research center in Tarragona, northeast Spain. The work of the research center is aimed at improving existing and developing promising water purification technologies. For example, by 2015, a 30% reduction in energy consumption for reverse osmosis systems for desalinating seawater is planned.

Leading global specialists in water treatment and preparation were present at the opening of the research center, discussing the prospects for the industry and possible further research.


Forum Waste Tech 2011

Employees of AO Ion Exchange Technologies visited the 7th International Waste Management, Environmental Technologies and Renewable Energy Forum, Waste Tech 2011. During the forum, topical issues of environmental regulation were actively discussed, including energy efficiency and automation of production at water treatment, water supply, wastewater treatment, and processing facilities; as well as the transportation, purification, and processing of wastewater sludge.
